My Restless Sleeper

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Trey POV

Megan: Get off of me.."

Megan: Please..get off of me." her voice whispered in my head.

Sensing the silk sheets under me, my eyes stayed closed as my body was slowly waking me up from my sleep.

Megan: I didn't know.."

Megan: Please..Please.." her voice whispered again as I frowned a bit.

Her trembling voice echoed around me as my body stayed down..

Megan: Jackson please.." she said this time as my eyes slowly opened.

..Staring at the dark ceiling of our room, Kylie's body lying on top of my chest sunk in as I looked over at her mother.

With the moonlight from the night time shining into our room, I could see the beads of sweat Megan was producing.

Rolling down her face like the sun was beaming down directly upon her, her face was contorted in a constipated frown as I realized what was happening.

Mumbling scared nothings to herself, I sighed deeply as for the 4th time this week she has had the same night terror like clockwork.

Balling her fist into our sheets, her pleading whispers turned into spoken begs as I slowly sat up with Ky.

Megan: Please."

Me: M.."

Megan: Kylie?"

Me: Megan-."

Megan: KYLIE!" she screamed out waking up Ky.

Turning her head to see her mother, I immediately got up and wrapped Kylie around my waist as Kylie noticed her mother's frantic behavior.

Kylie: Mommy?" she said hurtfully as I carried her out of our bedroom.

Taking her away from her mother's outburst, the two of them have been through enough trauma with one another already.

With Kylie refusing to sleep in her room alone, she was prone to seeing her mother's nightmare play out.

I didn't want to leave her in there by herself, but I was prepared this time as I carried Kylie away.

Knocking on Sam and Ceelo's door, I heard Sam get up quickly from their bed. Coming over to the door, she opened it quickly as she already had her hands out.

Me: I'm sorry."

Sam: No, it's okay." she whispered taking Kylie from me.

Peering down the hall, we listened as Megan continued to fight in her sleep..

Sam: Go ahead, we got her." she nudged as I looked back at them.

Pressing Kylie's face to her chest I gave her a thankful nod as Ceelo had sat up in the background. Nodding my head at him, I backed away from the door as I kissed Kylie's head.

Closing their bedroom door, I ignored the sleep paralysis lingering in my chest as I jogged back down to me and Megan's bedroom.

Going around to Megan's side of the bed, like recent routine I moved the covers from off of her as her body was on fire.

A pool of sweat was sunk into the bed underneath her as her hair was matted and all over the place.

Snatching her wrist into the palm of her hands, I grabbed a hold of her before she could dig her nails into her own skin.

Me: Megan." I tried as she felt me on her.

Megan: Get off of me-."

Me: Megan!-."

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