The Man Who Cried Wolf

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Jordan POV

Fixing my tie, I sighed as I stared at the police station building. The flashbacks from Trey Davidson attacking me were haunting me as flashbacks of him getting away with it were haunting me even more.

Holding onto only one crutch now, I was not sure I even wanted to go in there. The injustice that I received doubled down my reputation as it was something that every officer in that building was looking forward to.

I promised them a tyrant's victory and instead they were given the jester's laugh...

      Coming around the car, her soft hand rubbed against my cheek soothing me as I smiled.

Mia: You know you don't have to go into work today." she eased.

Mia: Another day off won't hurt." she said. Staring at the building still, another day off did sound nice but I had already been gone for a few days.

Cowering away in my house was not going to show these men that I was strong, it was going to show them that I was a coward.

Kissing her hand, I caressed it against my cheek before turning to her.

Me: I have to."

Me: They need me." I teased as she laughed.

  Kissing my lips, she tapped my arm forward as I headed for the doors. Watching me walk in, I popped the bones in my neck before entering the police department.

Expecting to see glares and angry faces, the genuine smiles for my return welcomed me as I nodded.

Clapping their hands slowly, the wavering guilt I felt for not pulling through for them slowly went away as eventually every officer in the room was applauding me.

Me: Thank you.." I said slowly as Jim approached me. Even though his hands were applauding me his face looked sorrowful.

Jim: First day back." he smiled small as I looked around.

Me: I wasn't sure I was going to come." I answered.

Jim: I am glad you did.." his voice lowered as I looked at him now.

Reading his facial expression, I glanced back at the lobby of the police department as two familiar faces were missing..

Clutching my crutch I stepped away from him as again, I looked around. The once battered lobby was missing two vital faces that greeted me everyday. Gritting my teeth in fear, I kept my back to him as he stood firmly.

Me:..Where is Cohen and Howard?" I regretted asking as he walked around me. Stuffing his hands in his pocket he hung his head slightly.

Jim: You need to hear this.." he said walking ahead.

Watching him walk to his office, the remembrance of me whispering their names to the devil himself but a knot in my chest as I walked behind him.

Nodding briefly at the other officers, I followed Jim as he passed his office and went down the interrogation hall.

     The dark hallway consumed us as he stopped in front of one of the glasses. Pressing the audio button, I looked at him as he pointed to the glass.

??: He was just laying there, bleeding everywhere..." a voice sobbed as I turned to the glass.

Almost immediately, it was like my heart was trying to jump out of my chest as I recognized the sobbing victim.

           It was Howard's wife.

Tears like a running faucet fell down her face as with a shaky hand she wiped them.

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