A Tyrant's Rage..

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Anthony POV

Curling her feet onto my lap, we laughed at the comedy movie playing on our TV. Enjoying Kevin Hart's ability to make us laugh warmed our date night.

Under the comforters from our bed, hearing Renee laugh was a blessing. I had not heard it since we left the little slab of heaven we were in a few months ago.

Times like this made me regret moving back here, it made me think that we should have stayed there in our corner of the world where nobody knew of our past.

     Where people only knew of our present and accepted us for who we preserved.

   Over the last few months, there have been nothing but back and forth issues and having the chance to hear her amused by something, it was like music to my ears.

Groaning a little she put her hand on her stomach as I felt it grumble under her discomfort.

Renee: I am so hungry.." she said as I smirked.

Me: Well the pizza should be here any second baby." I said as she sat up. Sitting on her knees, she had that look in her eye as I shook my head.

Me: Watch the movie Renee."

Renee: I am, I just wanted to give you a kiss." she giggled leaning in.

Pressing her lips to mine, our soft kiss easily turned passionate as I snaked my hands around her waist.

Picking her up, I placed her on my lap as she placed her hands on the sides of my face. Sticking her tongue down my throat, I held her firmly as the movie became our background noise.

Feeling myself becoming full of lust and seduction, I slithered my hands up her back to undo her bra.

Renee: I wanted to ask you something.." she moaned against my lips.

Me: What's that?"

Renee: Do you think we are good?" she said as I smiled into our kisses.

Me: I think we re perfect.."

Renee: Like perfect enough for a baby?" she eased as I slowed down.

Kissing her once more, I pulled away as she looked at me. Her eyes twinkled with her seriousness as I realized what she was asking.

Me: You want to have a baby?" I shocked a little.

Renee: Yeah, why not?" she smiled small.

Renee: We talked a lot about it when we were gone."

Me: Yeah we did but that was because we were all the way across the world. In our own peace." I said fading her smile.

Renee: We can just be careful."

Me: Being careful might not be enough baby. When we talked about having a baby, we had nothing to worry about."

Me: Now we are back in the city and shit is kinda hectic right now. I still got shit to settle before we think about anything like bringing a baby into this shit." I issued.

Dropping her head a little, she nodded slowly as she pretended to be okay with my response. Lacing my
fingers under her chin, I made her look at me.

Me: I'm not saying no, I'm just saying not right now." I asserted. Smiling small, I pulled her lips to mine as our sexual tension heated back up.

Snaking my hands back around her bra clip again, our lips matched each other's intentions.

   Unclipping the bra, I felt it loosen as she moaned softly. Falling from her shoulder, she broke apart our kiss only to take it off.

  Throwing it to the ground, she was about to kiss me again when the doorbell rang. Smirking into her pout, I relaxed myself.

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