Careless, Reckless And Unorganized.

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Megan POV

...The sound of them coming into the house opened my eyes as the night time shined through the window.

Gazing my eyes to the time, it was 2:30 in the morning as our bedroom door opened.

Staying on my side, a set of footsteps made its way around to me as I stayed facing the wall.

Towering over me, even though it was dark in the room I could tell the person was Bleu as he sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

Resting his hands between his legs, he sat there silently as the wave of emotions I was on brought tears slowly to my eyes. Wiping them, I curled my hand under my cheek as he looked out the window.

Me:..He did not come back with you did he?" I whispered as Bleu looked down at me.

Bleu:..He needs some time to himself." he whispered back as I felt my heart sink.

Bleu: He is really worried about you M. A lot."

Me: I know." I sniffled.

Me: I know and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." I choked as Bleu sighed.

Turning more towards me, he carefully placed his arm over my hip as he leaned over me.

Bleu: What were you thinking M?"

Me: I don't know."

Me: I just was tired of being the only one who feels this way." I sobbed.

Bleu: But you aren't Megan, you've never been." he scolded.

Bleu: Every time you get hurt, I watch a piece of my best friend fade. I watch a piece of him yearn in pain because he can't stand it when you are hurt." he said as I cried silently.

Bleu: He can't even talk or think or function when you in pain M, he's like a chicken with his head cut off running around in circles when somethings happens to you." he told.

Bleu: The reason he is so angry at you is because he already has to deal with people coming after you."

Bleu: He already has to make sure you are safe from the outside world. You going and doing the things you did, putting yourself in the danger you are in now infuriates his very being."

Bleu: It makes him feel like you do not care what he is doing for you-."

Me: But I do care." I pushed sitting up.

Me: I-I do care Bleu he knows that!"

Bleu: That's not what it looks like M." he eased.

Bleu: In everything you did, you were careless, reckless and unorganized." he criticized as I looked away.

Bleu: You didn't even cover your tracks, like it was like you wanted people to know it was you." he called out.

Bleu: It's like you wanted Anthony, Thomas, Jordan, the world to know that it was you who did these things. Like you were eager for them to know that it was you after Trey makes it a point to keep you safe."

Bleu: What you did was not only unfair to yourself but it was unfair to him because the nigga literally crashes out behind you. If this would have gone in Jordan's favor there is no telling what he would've done."

Bleu: He's already going to trial for beating Jordan half to death because he falsely arrested you, what do you think he would have done if Jordan really arrested you?" he challenged.

Bleu:..Not everything is about you M." he said as I looked at him.

Bleu: And I say that with love. The decisions you make, you have to think about how it will affect the people around you. You have to think about Trey, you have to think about your kids."

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