I Would Be A Fool..

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Trey POV

  Rubbing my hand over hers, I kissed her gently as she laid there. Unlike Bleu she did not have a tub going down her throat.

Unlike Kianna she was not awake yet.

She is conscious, but not awake.

Doctors said the crack in her skull gave her a self induced coma. Besides three broken ribs, a fractured wrist and a dislocated shoulder she was said to be fine.

The swelling and bruising surrounding her made my skin catch fire as the missing belly bump made it no better...

The careful wraps around her body kept her bleeding at a minimum. They had to do an emergency C section on her and I wasn't here for that.

I was on the plane yelling at Julian to fly faster.

By the time I had landed, got Kylie safe and got to the hospital..the doctors already attended to my son and my daughter..

Healthy, both of them.

5IB pounds.

6IB pounds.



From the moment I heard their weight and size, I knew which one was which. Despite the fall that Megan took, the hard shell she built around the two of them kept  them safe.

The fall impacted only M pretty heavily while they were inside her. The doctors had no choice but to remove them without my say so.

As angry and as infuriated as I was when I found out what they had did to my baby's, seeing the two of them behind the glass in the infant care unit made it worth the pain.

My daughter mimicked her older sister and her mother. From the curly little hair on her head, to the small button nose and the pretty eyes she stole, it was like falling all over again like I did with Kylie.

My son on the other hand, followed behind me.

From the hazel eyes he stole from me, his lips, ears and face structured just like mine. The hair on his head might have been courtesy of me and his mother, but I planned on taking full credit for that.

Megan already had two copy and pastes, having my son come out and look exactly like me was fair and I wasn't about to give her credit for shit.

He was a young King like his father as our daughter was a young Queen like her mother. Smiling to myself, when M woke up I knew seeing their faces would bring her a lot of joy.

With them being born 7 weeks early, they looked perfectly fine. They looked like pure angels and I expected nothing less coming from a woman as pure as M.

They were exactly what I needed in this dark time. Knowing that they were alright was the only thing that kept my insanity sane.

Kissing her hand again, a few murmurs from the hallway caught my attention. The sound of Kianna's door opened as I listened carefully to her voice raising.

Kianna: Get out of my way!" she cursed as I stood to my feet.

Tucking Megan's hand back into the bed, I looked through the glass door as Kianna stood infront of Bleu's hospital room.

Nurse: Ma'am, we need you to come sit down-."

Kianna: And I said back off!" she angered as I opened the sliding door.

Stepping out into the hallway, seeing her up and walking around was a blessing even though her face said other wise.

The purple bruise under eye was almost black, the eye itself was bloodshot as the corner of her lip on the left was busted.

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