Your Secret Weapon

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Trey POV

Bleu: Jackson, Manson, Thomas, Anthony and Renee will be testifying." he said as we sat at my conference table.

Bleu: They will be testifying their encounters with you."

Kollin: Their encounters? I thought this trial is about Trey beating the shit out of Jordan??" he confused.

Kollin: It is, Thomas, Manson and Jackson are all testifying to the kind of man Trey is." he said as none of us knew what the hell he meant. Sighing, he sat up at the table as we listened.

Bleu: Jordan's defense is going to try and paint Trey as this violent terrorizing individual that has been going after people this whole time before Jordan's attack." he said.

Bleu: In order for his defense to prove this or sway the jury they need multiple witnesses to testify that Trey is what they say he is." he pointed at me.

Bleu: Thomas, Jackson and Manson are going to attest to the fact that Trey indeed is a tyrant while Renee and Anthony of course are going to give their witness statements."

Marcellious: Alright well, put us on the stand then nigga. We can even that." he urged.

Bleu: I can't have all of you testifying."

Kollin: And why not?" he stressed.

Bleu: Because, all the jury is going to see is a bunch of men who would say and do anything for Trey." he said as I looked at them.

Bleu: They are already aware of how close each of us is, so if I put you on that stand Hubbard can easily paint the narrative that you guys are testifying to cover Trey's ass."

Kollin: But we are." he snapped a little.

Kollin: Jordan's team is finna get on there and make him look like fool, I ain't going for that."

Bleu: I know, but we have no choice-."

Kollin: Yes we do nigga. Put us on the witness list." he growled.

Bleu: Do you ever listen Kollin?" he glared.

Bleu: Ever? Do you ever shut the hell up and listen? I can't put all of you on the stand." he declared.

Bleu: Hubbard is going to make it look like y'all are there to say anything to make Trey look innocent. He is going to make it seem like y'all testimonies aren't real because everyone already knows how we are with one another." he pressed.

Bleu: He is going to discredit y'all in front of the jury and make them feel like nothing you guys are saying is honest and he will go after y'all characters and ion need that. I need a straight and cut defense in order to win this." he demanded silencing the table.

The disappointed looks on both Marcellious and Kollin's faces flattered me a little. It was good to see that they were willing to jump at this opportunity to defend me even though there wasn't much to defend about me.

I was a violent, terrorizing individual and that was that.

However, my boys getting up on that stand and being embarrassed or called out was not finna happen, they weren't going to make a fool out of anyone in my family anymore.

Me: So who can testify?" I asked breaking the ice.

Me: Who did you have in mind?" I reworded.

Kollin: I thought you already gave in your witness list though at the sentencing?" he reminded.

Bleu: I did, but after I got word that they are going to use the tape I drafted a new one."

Me: Well who's on it?" I asked again.

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