...Yet Again

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Megan POV

Excruciating, hot lava..

Coursing through my veins, from the inside out I was burning as I slowly opened my eyes. The bright white light shining above me made me squint as my whole entire body felt like it was anvil.

It felt like it was the anchor to a ship being thrown into the water to keep it from sailing anywhere else. I could feel everything almost and as I drifted my eyes around the room they landed on Kylie and Trey across from me.

Her laughter echoed in the room as her father and her played on her iPad. Watching them, seeing her so happy distracted away from my pain. She had not a care in a world and that was something I was grateful for.

Looking away from them, I looked down at my stomach as I froze. Flashbacks from the night I was wheeled into this hospital started to come back again as the monitor I was connected to started to beep faster.

..Remembering the nurses screaming and running around me as doctors worked to save me.

Remembering the sound a shiny knife ringing in the air as I begged them not to.

Remembering the searing fire, the searing agony and suffering they made me feel as they cut me open..

I remember screaming to the top of my lungs, begging for them to please stop. I remember their hands digging into me and taking my babies from me.

When they were out of my belly, neither of them cried..

When Kylie came out, she was a cryer. Before I passed out, I heard her healthy cry in that house in Trey's arms. My twins, my second daughter and my first son did not make a peep.

It was hazy after they were taken out of me, but I remember doctors rushing to do CPR on them and I remember never hearing or seeing them again.

Letting a few tears fall, I heard his chains clank together as he came over to me. Covering the bright light above me, he cupped his hand over my forehead as he rubbed through my hair.

Looking up at him, solace covered his expression as he pulled the chair next to my bed up. Calmly soothing me, he wiped the tears from my face as if he knew what was on my mind.

Me:..When they came out of me, they weren't crying." I choked as he listened.

Me: K-Kylie cried when she came out, they weren't." I sobbed more. Wiping my face for me again, he held it gently in the palm of his hand.

Trey: I know how it looks, whatever you saw before you passed out looks a certain way to you and I understand but they are okay." he smiled small.

Trey: She is 5 pounds and 8 ounces and he is 6 pounds and 9 ounces."

Trey: She looks like you and he looks like me." he smoothed as more tears came down my face.

Trey: They are both beautiful, healthy and alive." he whispered to me as I covered my face.

Holding in the sobbing I wanted to do, I took a shaky breath as he moved my hands out of the way.

Trey: You know if anything else besides that was the case, this whole hospital would be burned to the ground." he threatened as I laughed a little.

Feeling the crack in my heart mend itself, it was replaced with the same joy I had when I woke up to see Kylie.

Me: I want to see them." I urged sitting up.

Trey: Hol on speedy, you need to slow down." he warned.

Trey: Take your time."

Me: Trey I have been laying here doing nothing for weeks now."

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