Girl, Okay.

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Trey POV

  Putting my chain around my neck, I leaned over the counter as I stared at myself in the mirror.

  Glancing over at Megan's side of the bed, it was empty when I got up this morning. Usually I am up before her but after last night I knew she needed her space.

Moving away from the bathroom, I turned the lights off as I left out our room and headed into the shared living room.

Bleu, Kollin and Lucas were sitting on the couch while June, Drebo, Jack and Marcellious were at the counter rolling. Smirking a bit, I leaned on the counter next to Marcellious as I watched Jack roll one.

Me: You smoke white boy?" I asked impressed as he looked up.

Jack: Yeah." he chuckled.

Jack: I stopped when I got married, my wife asked me to." he smiled.

Jack: But when my daughter first got sick..I started back." he said a little low.

June: Your daughter's sick?"

Lucas: Yes nigga he said that yesterday." he spoke from the couch.

June: Damn where was I?"

Drebo: Standing right there." he mocked as we started laughing.

Cursing at us, he turned to Chase and nodded an apology to him.

June: My bad."'

Jack: It's cool, I know yesterday was all over the place."

Me:..Tell me about it." I mumbled.

Kollin: I ain't neva seen Megan that angry."

Bleu: That look in her eye that June was talking about, I thought he was exaggerating until I saw it." he added as I remember the dark expression in Megan's eyes.

Usually, M smiles with her pretty eyes.

I could stare at them for hours and feel at peace if she let me.

The way she was looking at all of us, at me yesterday was like she was possessed or something. It left me speechless half the conversation.

I wanted to speak more, I probably should have said more to help her calm down but I was to caught up in her rage.

I am usually the one that has that kind of angry inside of them and seeing it on someone else, someone like Megan left me with no words.

Lucas: I had wanted to say something to you Trey." he stood up as Drebo and June gave him the eye.

Lucas: My brothers here think I shouldn't but I gotta keep it real with you." he said coming over to me.

Me: Wassup?"

Lucas: The kind of rage M had yesterday is very familiar to me because my wife had it at some point." he said.

Lucas: However her rage was hidden until the point where she did something that none of us expected."

Lucas: It was like opening a can of worms or some shit. At the time we knew why she did what she did, but we still could not understand how much anger came out of her."

Lucas: It wasn't until a few years later that she realized it was postpartum." he eased as I shot my head to him.

Lucas: After she had my set of twins..she kinda spiraled slowly until it was too late for us to stop it.

Lucas: I'm only sharing this with you because I know postpartum is a sensitive topic but I wouldn't be yo friend if did not tell you that I see the same signs in Megan." he ended.

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