Chapter 690. Conflict and Trigger.

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Blinded by her momentary rage, Sarah answered with an angered tone. "What am I implying? I'm asking you what did you do! I have a way to know these things, so don't act innocent."

Yasenia's lips arched, but there was no amusement in her expression. Her smile was bone-chilling. "Hahaha, you are really saying that... Impressive. I've given you so many chances. I've been patient with you too. Yet, this is what you think of me. This is the result? Good, good, good. Now I understand."

Sarah was quickly rushing in Lea's general direction with the help of her system when she heard Yasenia's low and cold voice. "Do you see a light pillar? Come and take this woman back."

Sarah looked around and quickly spotted it. However, she was still insistent when she asked. "What did you do to her? Yasenia, I'm not playing around."

"Y-Yasenia, what are you doing?"

Hearing Lea's voice, Sarah became agitated. "Yasenia! Don't try to hide it. Clearly, something happened if you suddenly want to return her to me. What did you do to her? I have a deep connection with her, and I can feel that she is upset! Did you seduce her!?"

Yasenia's voice sounded much closer through the device as if it was now in her possession. "Who do you think I am? I asked you to get her instead of letting her alone without informing you, and this is your answer. That I seduced her? I'm not talking anymore. Come here in person to talk to me."

Then, Yasenia cut the communication off. While rushing toward the pillar of light, Sarah continuously tried to communicate, but no one would take it.

Then, a few messages of Lea's affection lowering but being cushioned by her skill reached her, making Sarah's blood boil further.

Lillian spoke. "I told you she was not someone you should approach, Sarah."

Sarah's face darkened, and Lillian was delighted to see it.

Meanwhile, Bai Ling, the white-haired human, spoke. "What if it is a misunderstanding?"

Lillian naturally wouldn't let the chance to drive a wedge between Yasenia and Sarah go, so she continued. "What misunderstanding? That woman is extremely selfish and arrogant. Didn't she say in the past that she liked cute girls the most? Lea is probably right up her alley, and she has started to seduce her. With that slutty appearance, almost everybody would fall below her skirt with just a few smiles."

Lana, the brown-scaled dragon woman, spoke timidly. "I-I don't think Yasenia is a person who would do that."

Lillian snorted and looked closely at Sarah's dropping expression. When she saw Sarah beginning to ponder, she quickly interrupted Sarah's thoughts. "That's what you think, but a person's true self is always difficult to see. Moreover, Sarah should have an obvious way to know what's happening for her to be sure, right? I trust Sarah's intuition and wisdom!"

Lana couldn't refute that, and her naturally timid and quiet personality did not help the argument.

Meanwhile, Sarah was more and more sure of her thoughts, making her feel angry.

On the other side, Lea was held by Yasenia's tail while her communication device was in the dragoness's hands. "What are you doing, Yasenia!? Give me back my device!"

The dragoness looked coldly at her. "Are you even listening? Don't struggle. I'll return the device when Sarah arrives. I don't want you to leave my side for now."

Du Xian looked at the light pillar and asked. "What if other cultivators approach us, Yasenia?"

The dragoness spat mercilessly. "Kill them."

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