Chapter 772. Clara's Hunt.

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Yasenia looked in the direction the attack came from and spoke coldly. "Clara."

Clara, Cecile's maid with light brown skin, silver hair, and silver eyes, stepped forward.

Yasenia ordered, full of killing intent. "Take a five-man group and hunt them down."

Clara bowed and disappeared, four other maids following right after.

Clara moved through the water at an extremely high speed, her massive spiritual sense expanding outward for hundreds of kilometers. Even underwater, the extra resistance was minimal.

Her silver eyes shone, looking around for traces and even scanning the ocean currents to see any deviations. While they were on missions, they called each other by numbers, so Clara used a communication device that every maid had and ordered. "Five, go east and follow the slope; Four, accelerate and go straight forward; when I ask you, turn right. One, Two, and Three, come with me."

Clara went northeast at her quickest speed, flashing through the ocean like a mirage. Her silver eyes moved around constantly, searching for hints or energy traces. After a while, she stopped and approached a small rock at the side. 'Hm, a small shockwave moved the sand here recently. Probably, this is the spot where they shot from.'

With that in mind, Clara compressed her spiritual sense to a few hundred meters, but everything in the area entered her mind and was methodically dissected.

Her mind processed everything at ridiculous speeds as her [Hunt Intent] searched for traces all around the place. "One and Two go left from here. Three, follow me."

Clara's group of four separated and rushed in two opposite directions. Their figures blurred as they covered more and more areas, using their spiritual senses coordinately to search for clues. Just then, Clara's pupils shrunk as she found a small whirlpool 17 kilometers southwest. "All of you follow my energy pulse and surround the following area."

A ripple extended from her in an instant, covering hundreds of kilometers. All the maids that followed her made turns and covered large amounts of land with precision.

Only 20 seconds had passed since Clara started her hunt, but she was already on their tail.

While rushing through complex coral structures and other oceanic formations, she saw a broken coral and approached. She sniffed it with a technique to follow scent trails underwater and then closed her eyes, her senses spreading outward at insane speeds.

After half a second, Clara's eyes flew open, glowing softly. Energy gathered toward her, creating a powerful whirlpool. Then, she took out her bow, decisively pointing to her right and drawing it to a full moon. Her back muscles perfectly coordinated as the heavy bow bent, and then she released a single arrow.


The recoil from the Half-step Dantian Spiritualization arrow created a void in the ocean as it pierced through everything, creating a circular path that Maid Three followed in an instant.

After a few moments, Clara's lips arched coldly. There was a small energy fluctuation about 47 kilometers in the direction she shot the arrow. 'I found you.'

Meanwhile, a group of five people were moving at an extremely high speed through complex subaquatic biomes and erasing their traces as they moved. One of them, a merman, complained. "What the hell was that arrow? We barely dodged, and it came from who knows how far... How did she know?"

A mermaid looked sideways with a cold expression as they never stopped moving. "Less speaking and more running. We are only 15 seconds away from entering the [Missing Chasm]. There, regardless of their strength, they won't be able to catch up."

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