Episode 17

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Rebecca was running through a field of beautiful flowers with the blazing sun shining down across her lifted up young face. She was running towards her smiling lovely mother Sarah who looked radiant in a long flowing sundress and big floppy sunhat.

" Mommy! Mommy! I missed you so much! "

" I missed you too, my darling," Sarah whispered as she held her daughter tightly , breathing in her innocent childlike scent.

Rebecca pulled slightly back and gazed at her mother. " I can't find Daddy. I can't find Daddy Nigel. I want to go home. I don't want to stay with the bad man anymore. Please help me find Daddy, Mommy. I want to go back home. "

Sarah's face turned pensive as she murmured," I don't know if you can, darling. But you can stay here with me. If you want to."


" You shouldn't be here ," Senator Reilly Arnett barked out gruffly to Richard who sat in the surgical waiting room with Nigel, Lewis, Andrew and Glory. Across the room sat a silent Winston beside Doris who was smiling coldly at Andrew as he continued to ignore her. " You gave your blood. Your son did. So just go back to wherever you came from and leave us be. You are not the girl's father. So accept that. "

Andrew stood up gingerly from his chair and approached the man , saying," Leave my son alone. You are not God ! We have a right to be here just like you all. And we will stay here until we know our little girl is ok. Now go sit down and stop barking orders. "

Reilly smirked at Andrew. " And who the hell are you? I can probably buy and sell you ten times over. "

Doris laughed harshly. " That's my ex husband who abandoned his children and myself. He fed Spencer and Richard lies about what he claimed happened years ago. Ignore him. He's just a disbarred attorney and drunk from a poor family that means nothing. "

Glory stood up and crossed the room , leaning over towards Doris in her chair, and hissing," Shut up. If you say one more word I will pull out every strand of that bleached blonde hair of yours until we all see the grey. "

Nigel instinctively giggled at that even as his tired head rested against Richard's shoulder. Richard ran his hands over his face. Lewis ignored them all and tried to focus on his Switch.

Doris snapped," Is that a threat? How common. I'm glad you married in your own league this time, Andrew. "

Glory snapped back," It's not a threat. It's a promise, you dreadful old woman. "

Doris laughed. " You call me old? My goodness. You look like you personally knew Jesus as a boy. "

Winston closed his eyes and cursed the day he had started this whole situation. He was so tired of it all. He was tired of what his life was. He missed Sarah. He missed ...... Joe. He didn't really want this child. He didn't want to be a father. He was sick of this lie.

Finally he reopened his eyes and stood up. " All of you shut up. Just shut up. Including you, Father. I can't do this anymore. " He swallowed hard. In his head he saw Sarah. He saw Joe. He saw his life and career ending if he uttered the next words. But he just wanted some peace. " Richard is right. Sarah and I did have an affair. She told me I was Rebecca's father when she was pregnant. But she didn't really know. And I didn't care back then. I didn't want to be a father. Not then. Maybe not now. When she died I was grief stricken. I loved her. She loved me. I thought I was doing what she wanted. She wouldn't have wanted them raising her daughter. So I..... I had the tests switched. Richard is the fucking father. I .... I ...."

At his words the waiting room became very quiet. Almost eerily so. Until a deep rumble of a roar came forward from Richard Norland who then rushed from his seat and over to Winston Arnett who he grabbed by the arms and threw against the back wall hard. " You bastard," he snarled. " You lying stupid bastard. If you ever come near my daughter again I will kill you. I will do everything in my power to destroy you. You'll regret the day you were born. "

" I already do ! ," Winston yelled back at him as he pushed him off.

Then the surgeon came into the waiting room with a solemn face and blood stained scrubs , asking for the parents of Rebecca Arnett.

Nigel jumped up and headed for Richard, taking his arm in support, as Richard said precisely," Her name is Rebecca Norland. Is my daughter alright? Please ,  is she alright? "

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