Episode 49

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" This is my Mum , everyone, " Nigel said so proudly as he stood on the enclosed deck of his brother in law's house with his arms protectively around the shoulders of his mother and his husband who was leaning reluctantly on the cane he was using because the leg he was shot in hurt that bad. Lewis with his Switch and Rebecca chattering with a  chubby faced Race Jr. wandered off to join Luci , Sol and Theodore in the living room where they were playing video games on the Xbox. Mary Swan stood just slightly beyond the others, looking beautiful but sullen and unpleasant in her prim button down cream white sweater and matching skirt. " Matilda Swan she's called. And the boy talking a mile a minute with Rebecca is me brother Race Jr. And this is my sister Mary as well. She's a shy one. "

Everyone gathered around the table looked up and over at them. The reactions verged from Melinda smirking, to Faith gaping in amazement and drunken despair especially at a radiantly smiling Matilda who only seemed to have eyes for Andrew who had his grey eyes closed to suspicion glimmering from Spencer, Glory and DuBuis towards the new arrivals. Only Angel and Lyle were enthusiastic in their own welcoming hello from their seats around the table.

Matilda said merrily ," I'm so very thrilled to meet you all ! My baby boy Nicholas, I'm sorry, Nigel has told me so much about all of you. I feel like I have known you all before. " Her unusual eyes landed upon Andrew whose own eyes wearily reopened and met hers. Glory noticed the almost hungry way the slightly younger woman was looking at her husband and her lips thinned. She scooted her chair closer to him and placed her hand almost possessively onto his arm with a knowing smile to her lips that said clearly " Mine , bitch". Matilda's gaze drifted to Glory and her own smile widened in amusement as her eyes grew colder.

As they took their seats everyone tried not to look at the one spot that had seemed to be reserved for Gertrude Klein. But the discomfort over her absence did not stop Melinda from reaching for a dinner roll and the butter dish while asking , " So is this a normal dinner or just part of the funeral thing for the old lady ? After all she was popped the other day. Hey , have you all heard the one about the gardening clippers that revolted ? "

Spencer shook his head and said firmly in a voice that almost seemed to be channeling his mother Doris , " You are very crude. And please save bread for the rest of us. " 

Faith laughed and took a discreet ( to her only ) sip from her flask as Andrew watched her with concern. Melinda rolled her eyes at Spencer , saying , " And you are very skinny. Too skinny. You look like you cut that man when you roll over in bed at night. Oh sorry. Your rolling days are over right ? Least outside the chair. "  As Spencer silently fumed and the rest of them marinaded in much discomfort Faith burst out laughing like Wanda Sikes was sitting beside her instead of her erstwhile wife. DuBuis said sternly , " Put that food down. And leave my husband alone or leave our house. Without pork chops and everything that comes along with it. I think we should say grace today before we eat. Or at least have a moment of silence for poor Gertrude Klein. "

Spencer stammered , " Prayer ? Whatever for , sweetie ?  Isn't that considered insanity when you talk to yourself ? " 

DuBuis replied , " It's called faith , Genius. I think we all need a little more of it. That's why next Sunday you , me and the kids are going to the UUC for services. You just might enjoy it. "

Spencer widened his eyes and almost groaned as he said in a horrified voice , " What did I do to deserve that ? "

For the first time since Andrew and Spencer had learned the truth about their paternity Andrew began to laugh out loud. Matilda's eyes settled on his handsome rugged and lined face and she smiled. Glory looked at Matilda Swan and made a mental note to check with her nephew about that background check. 

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