Episode 72

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After they had settled Lewis and Rebecca into their own respective bedrooms and Richie into the guest bedroom that was to be his own during his stay there Nigel called to check on Tanisha at the hospital as Richard changed into his red and black checkered pajamas and slipped into bed with a pensive look on his face.

He quietly watched as his husband finished the conversation with the hospital.  Then Nigel hung up the phone and slipped into bed beside him with a yawn and a slight smile. " She is fine. Pulled through with no real issues or complications. Richie will be happy to hear that tomorrow. I'll let the assistant manager know I won't be in tomorrow. They said she should be ready to go home tomorrow so I'm going to be busy. They need clothes and to get into school and all kinds of things I have not even thought of. "

Richard glanced over at him. Nigel looked tired. Too tired. There were bags under his one working eye. He looked exhausted. He didn't care what the doctors said. He did not think the iron was working right. The symptoms were not going away and he was getting so tired. All the tests said he was fine but Richard's eyes said different. The restaurant was bad enough but he was determined to be the perfect stepfather and son and brother and husband with no room for rest. And now they had taken on two children with unknown backgrounds. Maybe it was not a good idea. He understood Nigel's feelings but...... He had waited his whole life to be this happy. What if something happened to the man who had changed his life for the best? That he adored ?

Richard pulled him closer to his body and Nigel sighed in a contented way with his eye closed. " Do you think we can do this? ," he asked tentatively as he stroked Nigel's hair.

Nigel opened his eye. " What? Do what? You mean the kids? Richie and Tanisha? I don't think it's any different than Lewis and Rebecca. At least for me. I don't have the faintest idea how to be a stepdad. Lewis basically ignores me and Rebecca pretty much rules the house. I think it'll be harder for the other  kids to adapt. I remember being a kid on the streets. It was hard to trust people. Even ones that meant well. "

Richard pursed his lips. " What about me? I'm barely managing to raise my own biological children properly without screwing up something. Now I have two foster children. One who wants to beat my ass every time he sees me. For some strange reason. He would probably get along with Niles. "

Nigel laughed softly. " I don't think it's the same thing. He told me his father Richard Sr. killed his mother. I think it's just the name. The social worker said she would give us the case file tomorrow as well. So we can know as much information as possible. And she said that the state offers foster parents all types of assistance.  "

Richard pouted in the dark. " So he hates me because my name reminds him of a wife killer. How lovely. "

Nigel yawned and pressed a kiss to his lips. Then he settled back within his arms. " It'll be fine. Given time he'll learn to trust and love you. And me. Just watch. "

Richard murmured ," Perhaps. I think you should take some time from the restaurant. Give more responsibility to the assistant manager. You picked a good staff. Let them fly without you at times. I think you should rest. Maybe seek a third opinion? "

His words fell on deafened ears because the next sound he heard was a small noisy snore. " Or I could just make you an appointment with a more advanced specialist," he whispered. " Good night, darling. "


Richie couldn't sleep. He was not used to sleeping in a real bed in a heated room that felt all toasty in December. He was not used to being away from his sister. He liked the house. Yeah. It was big. Real nice. Rich. Nicer than anywhere they had ever lived before. Nigel was nice. The other dude with his old man's name...... He seemed like a real tight ass. A big one on rules and shit. He could tell. If anyone put him out it would be Richard Norland. He figured it would just be a matter of time.

So he needed to start planning for when they kicked him and Tanisha out again. Started collecting up supplies like food and clothes and shit for when they had to run again.


Rebecca slept peacefully in her own bedroom but Lewis remained awake in his bed. He kept thinking about the kid his father had came home with. That Richie kid. His name was Richard. Just like his father.

He sat up suddenly.

His mom was moving to Japan with his stepdad.

His brother and sister hated him.

Now his dad and step dad had this new kid, same age as him and with his dad's name.......... Why did he suddenly feel like he was being replaced? , he worried.

Good old Lewis Norland. The middle kid who was never good enough and everyone forgot about. 

Sometimes he wished the pills had actually worked in England.

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