Episode 79

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After the doctor appointment Nigel had decided to take the kids to a park near their house in Hyattsville. Ironically the same park where Richard and Lyle Peters had both been shot and wounded at a few months ago. That day hadn't diminished the pure joy of the place for them. Nigel needed to be there right now on the fairly warm for December afternoon, sitting on a park bench beside a quiet but sweet faced Tanisha who almost greedily ate an all beef hot dog with chili and cheese and sauerkraut that he had gotten them at a nearby food cart , watching Richie swinging on a creaky swing set that looked like it was from circa 1982. In his hands he held the simple manilla case folder that their case worker Rosie Flynn had given him earlier before he had taken them shopping for new clothes and of course toys.

The folder that summed up their very sad young existence and almost broke his heart. Yes , Richie was right. Three years ago in their Southeast DC apartment their father Richard Jenkins Sr. had murdered their mother Essie Mae Jenkins, and he had done it right in front of Richie. The young boy had actually been the star witness in the case and testified against his father who was sentenced to life in prison without any possibility of parole. The man's paternal rights were of course then terminated and the children placed with Dora Fisher who had been the mother's grandmother and already up in age yet willing to take charge of her great grandchildren until she had been diagnosed with dementia. Dora had been placed in a nursing home and CPS in DC had attempted to put the children in separate foster homes. But they couldn't find them. Richie had literally gone on the run with his sister for a whole year.

The social worker had told him that from the previous social worker's notes Richie was actually a very intelligent little boy but he understandably had a lot of trust issues. After all , not only had he witnessed his mother's murder but also the abuse she suffered at the hands of his sperm donor. That was how Nigel thought of the man. He couldn't imagine someone like that being honored with the word father. Richard claimed that he was not a good father but he really was. Yes. He would never win Father of the Year but he deeply loved his children. Even Niles. And he had never ever physically hurt them or their mothers. Nigel could not picture his husband being violent. Down deep Richard Norland was too gentle although he would laugh if anyone dared call him that.

Richard. He thought of his husband as he wiped off Tanisha's brown hands with a wet nap and her messy from food face too. She just kept smiling at him. She did that a lot, he marveled. How could she possibly smile after living through such terrifying circumstances? The social worker said also that the little girl was actually diagnosed with an intellectual disability and now at five performed on the basic level of a two year old. She smiled and laughed a lot and held her new Black baby doll he had just gotten her and called her brother " Ichie " and himself " Igel". She was adorable. It was so easy for anyone to love her. If he could have a biological daughter he would not mind if she was Tanisha. Idly he wondered if Rebecca would respond to the little girl. Rebecca didn't seem to care about Richie. She regarded him as just another cootie carrying boy like Lewis although she teased her brother more than Richie. But she could be spoiled at times and a little diva. Would she accept this sweet little girl beside him ?

" Hey ," he heard Richie calling out to him from the swing set he seemed to love," hey , Pirate Man , watch me ! Bet I can touch the sky ! And the sun ! "

Nigel laughed and called back," I'm watching you ! Good job, matey ! "

Then his cell phone rang and he pulled it out his jacket pocket to see who was calling. Richard. A knot formed in his belly as he thought of the diagnosis. And the pamphlets on lupus the doctor had given him when she scheduled his next appointment and blood tests. The pamphlets basically said all she had but more. So much more. If not treated he could possibly have heart attacks or a stroke or maybe kidney issues. What would Richard say? They had not been married that long although as his secretary they had known each other six years and formed an odd sort of friendship. Richard hadn't asked for this.......

" Hello , baby," he said quietly as he answered the call before it went to voicemail. " Working hard or working harder? Sticking to that diet of yours ? "

Richard replied," What did the doctor say? Are you alright? "

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