Episode 83

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" Your brother is wrong, you know," Matilda Swan purred as she sat on the patio of her Evergreen Acres townhouse, sipping on a very lovely mimosa which was made just the way she liked it. Heavy on the champagne and light on the annoying juice. Her thin bright red lips curved in a devilish smile as she glanced across the table at the most intriguing and beautiful woman she had met in a long time. " You don't have a drinking problem. You have a honesty problem. And you need to concentrate more on will power. If you meditate more you won't need alcohol. Trust me. My father was a falling down drunken old bastard. "

Faith Lane drank the very last bit of her own mimosa and reached for the pitcher to pour more in the long stemmed crystal glass. " I don't have a drinking problem. I can stop whenever I want to. I have actually. I just prefer drinking. " She took a sip. " Your father, Nigel's grandfather, was an alcoholic ? "

Matilda's purple eyes flashed something that Faith couldn't quite decipher yet she wanted to. For some reason. What was it with this woman? She did not trust her as far as she could throw her. She thought, she knew, the woman was just using Nigel and Richard. She was just setting them up for the ultimate con. She could sense that.  And the woman was much older than herself. Early fifties next to her own mid thirties. Of course Richard was older than Nigel and they seemed too damn happy and perfect. It was almost as disgusting watching their wonderful perfect love as it was watching her brother with Spencer. Everyone had a true love. Except for herself. Once she thought it might be Pamela but then she screwed that up. Of course she had also once thought Melinda was the one too , she reluctantly admitted to herself as she guzzled down the mimosa.

" My father was a fool. He could have benefited from my advice but like I said he was a true fool. I can teach you to meditate. " She licked her lips slowly in a sensual move at Faith who could feel her panties getting wet.

" What else can you teach me, Matilda Swan ?"

Matilda never answered because at that moment her middle child, sixteen year old Mary , entered in her neat and hideous Barrington Academy uniform. She was on the arm of a tall lean handsome young boy that looked oddly familiar to Faith's intoxicated eyes. Then it hit her. " Niles Norland. You're Richard Norland's son. The older one. Thought you were in England. "

Niles smirked at Faith. " That pervert is nothing to me. Do I know the likes of you ? "

Faith stared at him unsmilingly. Even with a little booze under her belt she was still a cop. A good cop. And she recognized trouble when she saw it. In the back of her head she started to recall that when Richard had went to England to get his other kid Lewis there had been a little trouble there. Her eyes narrowed. This little punk had apparently tried to hurt his own father. Attacked him as he slept in his bed. And he got away with it. " I know you. Your daddy is the brother of my brother's husband Spencer. Matilda, you know your daughter is hanging around pure trash who tried to kill his father ?"

Matilda's beautiful face remained free of any emotion except for the flicker of surprise in her unusual eyes. " What do you mean? Kill him ? "

Niles snapped," I did no such thing, Mrs. Swan. This woman is very delusional and if she continues to make up lies on me I will have my mother on her so fast. My mother is a judge. And my step father is vice president of Van Burden Fine Chocolate. They can probably buy and sell her kind. "

Faith stood up and approached the boy. " My kind? What exactly is my kind? "

Niles laughed. " Rude and uppity. Probably mad because they got rid of affirmative action. Yes. I know your affirmative action brother. The race mixing fag doctor. People like that disgust me. " His eyes drifted to Matilda who suddenly sat up straight in her chair. " I consider such behavior to be from inferior breeding. Like your own son Nigel Norland who corrupted my father. "

Matilda snapped tersely," Young man , there's nothing wrong with my son. Nigel is a good boy. I think you should leave now. "

Mary narrowed her eyes at her mother. " I think not. We are going to study for exams. If you don't mind. After all you get to have.... company. Don't you? And your son is no good boy. Niles told me what a gold digger he is. You should be so proud, Mumsy. " She laughed in a mocking way.

Faith swayed on her feet before the amused kids. " You need to stop talking bout my brother. Ok ? And Nigel. He ain't so bad. " She looked at Matilda harshly. " He just naive. Too trusting. He claims he grew up up on streets but he's way too trusting. He ain't no golddigger but you are a bigot , Niles Norland."

Niles shook his head and glanced at Mary. " I told you. They all pull the race card. "

Mary nodded in agreement.

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