Episode 76

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" Good morning, gorgeous," Angel said softly with an indulging smile as he plopped down a wicker bed tray on Lyle's lap as he sat up in bed. Lyle blinked at Angel and the tray of cinnamon crunch cereal, strawberry cream waffles, bacon and fried eggs along with the herbal tea Lyle preferred to drink constantly. He reached out for his glasses on the nightstand and adjusted them on his face.

" Gorgeous, " Lyle laughed. " I think you need my glasses, baby. I've been called ok looking. Attractive. A guy in college called me cute once. But never gorgeous. You on the other hand. "

He took a long pleasing sip of tea and and continued on ," Where's your breakfast ? "

Angel tossed himself on the bed literally at Lyle's feet. " You know I hate eating so early in the morning. I'll grab something in the cafeteria lunchtime. The food at Barrington puts the hospital to shame. "

Lyle sighed. " That's not healthy, sweetheart. How are you a nurse eating like that? A doctor told me once you should eat five meals a day. Breakfast, lunch , dinner and two snacks. How can I teach science to middle school kids when I am worried about you passing out from hunger in the clinic? "

Angel rolled his eyes and stole a piece of bacon off Lyle's plate. " See ? I ate. Worrywart. Nobody has ever worried about me before. Until you. "

Lyle paused speaking to take in a few spoons of cereal. Then he said almost casually," Not even Hank ? "

Angel froze for a second at the mention of Hank Harmon , his former boyfriend and present annoyance. He was quiet for a few minutes and then said," No. Not really. Me and Hank had fun while it was good. But it was not.... like us. You take care of me. You actually care if I starve or something. "

Lyle chewed on bacon and then swallowed before saying," You take care of me. It's a first for me. Being taken care of I mean. As a kid I was pretty much my mom's sole caretaker. I mean there was no one else to do it. Her and Uncle Jack didn't get along a lot. He disapproved of my father. And rightfully so. The man abandoned us because mom was sick. I was only six then when he took off. You know that old going out for milk and cigarettes thing? My dad invented it. I never had anyone take care of me before you. You do it so easy though. Why ? "

Angel leaned forward, careful of the tray of food, and planted a tender kiss on his lips. " Because I love you. And you deserve to be taken care of. It's easy to love you. Didn't Dave take care of you? Or was he that big of a fool ? "

Lyle didn't answer. Because the answer was too complicated and too sad. Dave cheated on him and yet he still took care of the man. He paid the rent. He paid the bills. He told everyone he met about the man's art shows yet not once did Dave ever come to one of the musical theater club public performances. He was ashamed that he had been such a fool for a year, and all because he was afraid to be alone and unloved.

Angel looked at his boyfriend. He looked so sad. Angel hated to see Lyle looking downhearted about anything. He popped up from the bed and made a decision. Lyle was curious why he just disappeared from the bedroom into the rest of the small house. He was gone long enough for Lyle to finish his cereal and half a waffle.

Angel came back into the bedroom and approached the bed. He actually scared Lyle a little because he looked serious. Angel was so rarely serious. About anything. Unlike Lyle who found it tough to loosen up unless he was teaching in some capacity.

" Angel? Are you ok ? "

Angel didn't answer him. He just came to the side of the bed Lyle was reclined in eating. He came to the side of the bed and knelt down on one knee. From one of his numerous  cherry red scrub pants pockets he pulled out a little black box and Lyle almost felt his heart stop.

" Lyle Peters, I know it is early. I know we just started this whole living together adventure. But I know this now. I know I have never felt this way about another man before. Not even Hank. I was going to ask you this on Christmas Eve , Christmas, whatever but why wait? I want to love and take care of you all of your life. All of my life. You are my missing part. That is corny. I know it is but it's true. I've been looking for you all my life and then one day on Harts and Flowers I saw your picture and I said Oh There you are. Finally. I know you are insecure about Hank. Don't be. He is my past. You are my present. And hopefully my future. "

Lyle felt tears welling up in his eyes. He quickly moved the tray to the nightstand and blinked his eyes several times. He was planning on asking Angel to marry him on Christmas but he never had expected this. God. He loved this man so much.

Angel opened the box and inside rested a gold ring with a double row of near colorless white diamonds. " Please say you will marry me? I love you. I'll never hurt you. I'll never cheat on you. I'll never leave you. "

Lyle choked out," I love you too. I'll never hurt you either. Or any of the rest. "

Angel smiled faintly. " The main way you could hurt me is by making me leave. Although unlike Hank I could never leave you. Not really. Now will you please answer? This floor is uncomfortable as all hell. What is under this carpet? Concrete? "

Lyle laughed and exclaimed joyously," Yes. Not about the floor. But yes. I will marry you. I never thought once in my life that anyone would ever ask me that. I was going to ask you, you know. On Christmas day. "

Angel laughed as well. He slipped the ring on Lyle's shaking finger. " Well , great minds think alike. Next time we are in Richard and Nigel's and we see Hank I don't want you looking worried like you do. Just toss your hand in his face and say loud and proud " where your ring , bitch ". "

Lyle would have laughed over the idea of himself doing that if he was not busy kissing the hell out of Angel.

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