Episode 44

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Not again.

Oh God. Not again.

Faith rolled over in a bed that wasn't her own. Next to a woman that wasn't Penelope who was acting really odd and not herself lately. She wasn't Melinda. Damn it she was not even Browne !

Who the fuck was this? , she thought blearily as she sat up and pulled the thin white cotton sheet around her long lean nude body. Where were her damn clothes? And what happened last night?

All she remembered was a late night at the cop bar near headquarters. A lot of corny off color jokes and morbid ones too. Especially about the old chick next to her brother's house who got clippers in the neck. That was actually tasteless as fuck to her but she remembered laughing louder than anyone else. Then she remembered wandering outside in search of another fun bar or club. With no cops telling dumb jokes.

" Who are you? ," she asked of the beautiful White woman beside her in the bed. The equally nude beautiful White older woman with the incredible purple eyes. Purple eyes. Jesus. She only knew one person with eyes like this. Or eye anyway.

The woman smiled sexily back at her and reached out to rub her leg tenderly. " I feel so flattered," the woman teased merrily. She had the barest hint of an English accent. Just like Nigel Norland.

" Who are you? ," she asked again. She was starting to feel panicked. This was like falling into some weird parallel universe. Why did this woman remind her so much of Nigel ?

The woman yawned and stretched her long arms over her own head. " I'll be nice to you, my confused love. My name is Matilda Swan. I was out having a few drinks and you were out having more. You told me you were lesbian. And I, being what I call biromantic but the world deems bisexual , took you up on every offer you tossed my way. We came back here to have a little fun. Thanks for not waking me kiddies up. Race is a good fellow but my Mary can be a little temperamental about what she calls " alternative lifestyle choices". In fact it might be best if you get dressed and leave before she gets up , dear one. "

Faith shook her head. Matilda Swan ? Why did that name sound familiar?

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