Episode 118

11 1 0

Friday December 13 , 2024

" We're not getting a gun, Richard," Nigel said softly but firmly as he eased himself slowly up to a sitting position in their bed. His body still felt like he had had a run in with King Kong yesterday. Or maybe Godzilla. And his eye that actually worked was still puffy but luckily he could still see out of it. He was very tired because they had gotten back from the hospital fairly late last night after the doctor had poked and prodded and x-rayed every aspect of his battered body. Richard had even called their family doctor and his rheumatologist to schedule appointments for him next week even though he had tried to protest it as unnecessary. The doctor said he got off lucky. Bumps. Bruises especially around his left side. No broken bones thankfully. A mild concussion which meant Richard hadn't let him sleep last night in case he shifted into a coma or something hideous like that.

Richard stood beside the bed and he looked stubborn. Well he always looked stubborn but today even more so. With thinned lips he retorted," Well we are getting something. I thought that the neighborhood here was a safe one. It is. At least according to the crime stats I pulled before we moved in. But..... You were attacked yesterday. This person didn't take anything. He just hurt you. And the slurs..... I'm not taking a chance on you or our children getting hurt again. What if he had had a gun ? "

On that last sentence his voice cracked and his face looked frightened. Nigel reached out for his hand. He squeezed it and said lovingly," He didn't. I'm ok. Tanisha is ok. I'm surprised she took it so well. Children. Right? The others though......"

When the other children had gotten home and found out what had happened they had been very upset on the level of Richard himself. Rebecca had not left Nigel's side all night long until it was her bedtime and then she had given him and Tanisha extra long hugs. Lewis had actually put down his Switch long enough to hug him which had both pleased and stunned Nigel. And Richie had been so mad he had hit the living room wall before rushing off to barricade himself in his bedroom.

" I don't want a gun in our house," Nigel stated firmly. " I don't like guns. Especially around kids. Anything could happen. But if you want to put in a security system I will support that. Maybe a dog. " Then for the first time since the beating his damaged face spread in a smile. " A dog would be nice but maybe I couldn't handle being around one. The asthma and all. Although when we are in Spencer's place the cats barely bother me. So I don't know. "

Richard sat beside him and stroked his face tenderly. " Dad did a good job on the doors but I am having someone come in today to look at them closer. I'm having new locks put on. Stronger locks. And we will get a security system yes. And ..... Let's research hypoallergenic breeds of dogs. " He pulled his husband closer to him. " I'm not taking chances with the safety of my family. Especially you. When I heard.... I got more scared than I ever have before in my life. I got mad. But scared too. Today I want you and Tanisha to stay in the house and don't open the door to anyone you don't know. "

Nigel smiled against his chest. " I didn't open it yesterday. "

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