Episode 67

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" She's getting an operation? ," Richie Jenkins asked as he sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs in the Bethesda area emergency room waiting area along side of Nigel. " What kind of operation? Look. Tanisha ain't never had no operation before. And we ain't got no money. Operations cost money. So if we don't have money can she not get one? Is she going to be ok ? "

His voice actually cracked a little as he spoke and in that one moment he seemed like the child he actually was and not just a mini man in a kid's body that was trying to hold everything together for himself and his sister.

Nigel touched him gently on his shoulder and said," It's to fix her appendix. It's really bad and they need to operate so they can make her better again. Don't worry about money. They'll still do the surgery. And it's very simple. I had one myself. At seven. "

Richie squinted his dark brown eyes at him. " Yeah ? Since you sitting here a big ass one eyed man I guess it went well enough. Except your mom and dad was probably there for you. Not just me and a stranger like Tanisha. "

Nigel smiled faintly. He could feel himself slipping back years to being a scared like fellow in a lonely hospital ward with nobody but a housemother to hold his hand. He could forgive his mother for what happened years ago but he could not quite bring himself to forget it all. " I didn't have parents. I was abandoned when I was a baby. Kidnapping. I was raised in a children's home in London. England. "

Richie laughed. " Yeah. England. I never been there before. I never been out of the DMV before really. That why you talk funny. You from another country. "

Nigel laughed softly. " Actually I think it's you Americans that talk funny. I speak the king's English. "

" That be Charles right? I saw him in a newspaper once. It was in the trash. "

Nigel made a face. " Yeah. Not my favorite really. But my opinion doesn't matter. She'll be ok. Don't worry. And don't worry about money. It's going to be paid for. Trust me. "

Richie looked hard at him. " When you calling CPS? When they taking me to one foster home and her to some hospital for backwards kids ? That's what they said they were going to do before. I don't want that to happen. Can't we just go stay with you? You're nice anyway. You said you have a husband and kids so you have a family anyway. We won't eat much. I won't eat at all. And..... "

Nigel opened his mouth to speak but before any words exited two people showed up in the waiting area.

Richard , who Nigel had called to explain all of this. He appeared looking handsome and aloof and refined in one of his expensive three piece suits , leaning on his cane he was still using to ward off pain from being shot in his leg in September.

And , a tall thin frazzled looking White woman holding several case files and an overstuffed briefcase also appeared.

Richie widened his eyes at Nigel in anger and jumped up , prepared to run away. " You jerk ! You asshole ! You did call CPS! "

He tried to run and escape, hide somewhere, anywhere, when Richard grabbed him gently. " You're not going anywhere, son. Hear us out."

Richie struggled against his grip and stepped on his foot ; thankfully his good leg. " I'm not your son , old man ! Who hell are you! You dress too fine to be a pig or CPS. "

As Richard maintained his firm hold on the boy Nigel said," That's my husband. His name is also Richard. Richard Norland. "

Richie kept struggling. " Screw you and him. I don't want to go to foster care. I don't want you taking her away from me. Let go! And Richard is a stupid name ! "

Richard murmured with a slight smile," I thought that was your name too. "

The woman watched them all with exhausted eyes. " So this is young mister Richard Jenkins Jr. I hear his sister Natasha, no , Terena , no Tanisha is in surgery still. And you two are....."

Nigel looked at the woman and then back at his husband still trying to keep the child from running away from them. " Nigel. I'm Nigel Norland. I own a restaurant near by. This is my husband Richard Norland. He's a lawyer. Senior partner of a law firm in Virginia. "

The woman smiled softly. " And I am Rosie Flynn. I graduated college three years ago. This case is one of sixty five I have on my desk. I'm leaving social work in three weeks to become a manager of a shoe store. And I have not paid my student loans yet. Do you still want to be these children's foster parents until we can find biological family or a more permanent home? I believe that is what you stated on the phone. "

Nigel's eyes met Richard's.

Nigel's basically pleaded," Please don't make me send them to foster care hell. "

Richard's were more reluctant and reserved but his words that came out of his mouth were ," Yes. We are interested in being foster parents. "

Then Richie hauled off and kicked Richard in the knee which had him groaning in pain and Nigel snapping out," Stop that, Richie! We are trying to help you, matey. "

The social worker sighed. " I think you two will be the ones needing the help. "

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