Episode 113

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There was a substitute for Ms. Perkins in Luci's English class today and the classroom of students were oddly happy because their regular teacher was not only boring but also kinda weird especially lately. Until they saw who it was as Mr. HighTower , who had been out sick recently with something that had all the other staff talking in excited whispers under their breath when they were around the students, came into the room to introduce him.

" Your regular teacher, Ms. Perkins, will no longer be with you or our school," the headmaster said sternly as he leaned on the desk , looking a little unsteady. But not as unsteady as the substitute teacher who was a tall skinny White man who stood at the front slumped over an actual walker like their grandparents might have or something. He looked nice enough but he swayed a bit as he stood like he was drunk which had a couple of students like Zora and Diamond giggling behind their hands. Luci and Sol were both irritated with the giggles because they had just met this man earlier that day in their own kitchen. They knew why he used the walker and walked like that because he had told them. Luci shot the girls a nasty look as the headmaster continued on ," We are very lucky that Mr. Giadello here was in the area early and was coming in today to do paperwork. I decided to just bring him on a bit earlier than next term because.... well why not? Students , meet your new teacher Alfred Giadello. " Then the big man nodded at the teacher and the students before lumbering out of the classroom.

After he left there was an odd silence in the room as the students stared at the man although a few like Luci and Sol tried not to look at him.

Alfred smiled kindly and slowly turned his walker around so he could sit down upon the seat. " This is a big surprise," he said quietly. " I kkknow it is because it was a big surprise to me too. I was with my family and I get a text from Mr. HighTower asking if I could possibly sub today. Well I said why not? So me and Stan are here with you now. " He patted the side of his walker lightly and almost lovingly.

Diamond giggled louder , saying," You call it Stan ? "

" Sure ," Alfred answered. " Why should I not? Everything has a name. You have a name. I have a name. All God's children have a name. And today hopefully I will be able to learn all of your names. Besides Stan is not just a walker. He's like a friend. We've been together for a long while now. "

A tall and still growing boy in the back slouched at his desk asked as he lifted his hand up ," So what's wrong with you? Why you walk like that? Is it contagious? "

Luci rolled her eyes at the question.

Sol shook his head.

Diamond laughed outright.

Zora stared coldly at the teacher.

Alfred just kept smiling as he said," Well I was born like this. It's basically a birth defect if you must call it anything. It's not contagious because you can't catch it from each other like covid or rsv. You develop it at birth or a little after. I was born with it. I have cerebral palsy. Has anyone ever heard of that before? "

The only person in the classroom that didn't look confused by the question besides Luci was Sol, and it was Sol who raised his hand reluctantly. Reluctant because he hated talking in class except for maybe Mr. Peters' class. " I know what it is," he said in a confident voice. He and Luci and Theodore had actually googled it on their phones on the bus to school.

Alfred's smile widened. " I know you. Mr. Solomon Klein. Well , Mr. Klein, please enlighten us all about the wonderful and not so wonderful world of cerebral palsy. Then after we can go around and introduce ourselves. "

Sol took a deep breath and glanced at Luci who smiled at him supportively. " Well. You're right. It's not contagious like some idiots think. It's just an illness that babies are born with. I found a lot online so I might talk a lot."

Alfred nodded. " I want to hear a lot, young sir. You ttttalk and I will tell you if it is right. I bet it is. You sound like a very smart young man. "

Zora whispered to Diamond," He must be weird in his head too if he thinks Tubs over there is smart. We should play a trick on him. A Welcome to Barrington gift. "

Diamond giggled and nodded her head enthusiastically.

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