Episode 106

13 1 0

Thursday December 12 , 2024

Richard sat down at the kitchen table the next morning with a solemn expression on his classically handsome face. Nigel sat next to him , looking tired even though he had slept for hours the previous night, taking his two prescribed medications with decaf coffee and a bowl of cinnamon spiced oatmeal. He looked at his husband's pensive face and said quietly," You look like someone just walked over your future grave. I'm going to cheer you up though. I've decided to take time off from the restaurant until New Year at the least. Now what else is wrong? "

Richard glanced over at the children. Lewis was playing his game device and ignoring Richie who was reading a comic book he had " borrowed" from Lewis. Rebecca was in mega Mommy mode as she fed breakfast to Tanisha  who gazed at her with rays of adoration. He lowered his voice and said to Nigel," Spencer texted me. There was a shooting at Faith's last night. She's fine. Don't even think she was there but that wife of hers... Melinda. She's dead. Someone killed her. "

Nigel was nearly speechless. " Dear God. Poor Faith. Poor Melinda. "

Richard nodded and reached for his husband's hand to give it a loving squeeze. " Yes. It's awful any time suffering a loss but around the holidays...... I couldn't imagine losing..... "

Nigel lifted up their joined hands to his lips for a tender kiss before he whispered," I know what you mean. I love you. "

Richard pulled him to his body for a hug. " I love you too. "


Orlando, Florida

Jenessa Johnson was packing her suitcase in the bedroom of her condo. Her thoughts were of her youngest child. Her heart had been broken when she learned her daughter had married a woman without even telling her or inviting her to the wedding but that was nothing compared to what she felt now thinking about her child facing the worst loss of her life. Losing Pamela had been bad enough but to also have to bury a spouse. It was unthinkable pain and misery. She should know. She had did it twice. Marvin had broken her completely and Sam had made her never want to love one more time for fear of losing another man. Until.

She looked over at the most unlikely choice for her new love. He was White. He was younger than her ; she was in her mid sixties and he was fifty five. He was not even born in this country. He was from England although he had Russian blood in him. He had money. So much money that it made her a little uncomfortable.

Yet she still had fallen for Nicholas Volkov. And he seemed to care for her as well.

She looked over at the man in question who was packing his own designer luggage. He was so gorgeous with his salt and pepper hair,  magnetic green eyes and strong features that it made her feel guilty and disloyal to Sam. And Marvin. " You don't have to come with me this early, you know. You can just come for Christmas like we planned. I'll get the hotel room near my son for us. "

Nicholas shook his head at her. " I am not allowing you to tend to a family tragedy without me by your side, my beloved one. I have no immediate plans that require my attention. That is the enjoyment of being semi retired. Let my sons Alexi and Maxim tend to Volkov Enterprises in London. They're younger and have all that energy to use up. "

He reached for her brown skinned slightly lined hand and lifted it to his lips for a very tender kiss. Then he kissed the huge diamond and sapphire engagement band on her ring finger. " We are a team , dear. Always. Where you go I follow. Where I go you shall be. "


Faith shivered as she huddled under the blanket on the bed in her brother's last empty guest bedroom. It was not from a chilly temperature because it was actually very comfortable in the house. It was from waking up in a strange bed without Melinda next to her, talking nonsense or eating in bed or snoring. She did not think she would but she missed the woman. Maybe even more than she had missed Pamela.

She sat up in bed and wrapped her arms around her body. DuBuis had been himself last night and practically dragged her back to his house. He hadn't mentioned her drinking. He just took her home and away from the apartment where Melinda had died , where her blood still soaked through the carpet, where the walls were still defaced with words she just couldn't understand. He took her home to the warmth and safety of his house. His house where Spencer had made her hot chocolate and let her cry on his shoulder which had surprised her greatly because he usually hated being touched by anyone besides DuBuis. His house where the kids tiptoed around her and her grief. She was glad to be here. Yes. She would go back home eventually but not yet. She needed to be with her family.

There was a knock at the closed door and she said faintly," Come in. "

She expected DuBuis. Not Spencer because of the stairs. He couldn't get up to the top floor in his wheelchair. She knew that hurt him still. But it was not her brother. It was Andrew Norland.

He stood in the doorway, a sad look on his face. This man who she had been so rude to recently. " I don't want to disturb you, Faith. I just wanted to let you know I'm available to talk to. If you need. Also I would love you to meet my stepson Alfred. He's downstairs. "

" I don't want to talk. "

Andrew nodded and turned to leave until he heard her say," I don't want to talk. I need a hug. "

So he came over and hugged her in his strong fatherly arms as she cried once more.

ODDS OF LOVE: Season NineWhere stories live. Discover now