Episode 38

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Spencer sat on his porch watching the continued police activity next door. He closed his eyes behind his glasses. DuBuis leaned down and kissed him on his head. " She always thought our roses were better than hers ," he whispered. " But they weren't. Hers are better. " His voice fell silent. Then he spoke again. " I don't have a lot of friends like you. She was one of my friends. We had.... issues after Jimmy..... but we were getting better..... Now my only friend is you, sweetie. I don't want to lose you too. "

DuBuis wanted to reassure his husband that he would never leave him. Like this. But could he? Should he ? The way the world was getting it almost felt like he would be lying to him. So he just knelt down to hug him as he cried.


Sol sat on the carpeted floor of the guest bedroom at Spencer and DuBuis' house. He wasn't talking. He couldn't think of anything to say. He was thirteen and almost all his family was gone from his life. He kept expecting his grandmother to pop into the room and lecture him on needing to come back home. But he knew she wouldn't. She couldn't.

Luci sat next to him with her head resting down on his shoulder and her arm slung around his body comfortingly. Theodore was on his other side, his hands in his lap. He looked so uncomfortable that Sol almost wanted to laugh but just couldn't.

" I love you all ," he choked out finally. He looked at first Theodore and then Luci.

Luci reached out to stroke his face and looked deep into his green eyes. " I love you too, Solomon Klein. "

Theodore swallowed hard and harshly. " I ..... I am unable to fully comprehend the love concept but I find you a nice person, Sol. I like you a lot. I consider you a.... friend. I'm sorry about your grandmother. Unlike mine she was not as frightening. "

Sol couldn't help it. He laughed. After a long moment the other two joined in the almost hysterical laughter until Sol's turned into great bouts of intense sobbing. At that point Luci hugged him tight and Theodore patted him awkwardly on his back.


Richard and Nigel took turns reading her favorite storybook to Rebecca in her hospital room as Glory looked on with a soft smile. Then she noticed Andrew was not beside her anymore. She turned her head to see her husband standing before the window staring out at nothing in particular. He had been doing that a lot since he and Spencer had discovered the paternity truth , she worried.


" This is going to be so expensive," Lyle worried from his own hospital bed. " And where are my dogs? They didn't get hurt, did they? "

Angel sat in a chair by his bed , holding his hand." Hush. The only good thing Barrington offers is health care. Enjoy your mini vacation, my sexy ass teacher. Tomorrow you help me move into your house and talk to the cops about what is going on. And the dogs are fine. I took your keys and drove them back to your place. Gave them food and water. Turned on the AC. They're fine. "

Lyle rested his head on the thin hospital pillow. He missed his hypoallergenic pillow at home. He missed his pets. His arm hurt. He was still scared to death about having been shot but also oddly angry. He wanted to know who had shot him. Who could have shot Angel. But he was also so glad that Angel was still with him. When he had opened his eyes after the operation in this room the first person he had seen was Angel Anderson and it made him feel so safe.

And loved.

" You don't have to stay if you need to go home, " Lyle said faintly even though his heart was screaming out " No , stay forever". " I'll understand if you leave. "

Angel rolled his eyes. " Shut up. I'm exactly where I need to be. I'm not leaving you here alone. So shut up already. I think I found a Top Model marathon. Or would you prefer Drag Race ? "

Lyle laughed. " Top Model. Of course. "

Angel laughed as well and kissed him on the lips before saying," We're made for each other. Wait. Do you like cartoons? "

Lyle kept laughing in spite of the ache in his arm. " I love them. I have entire box sets of Bugs Bunny cartoons, The Flintstones and The Jetsons. I miss waking up on Saturday mornings to eat a big bowl of cereal in front of the cartoons. It was the highpoint of my childhood. "

Angel's eyes twinkled at him mischievously. " If it wasn't so soon I would ask you to marry me, man. "

Lyle wished he would.


LuLu fake cried herself hoarse in the supportive arms of Jeremiah Duncan as she told him what had happened to her poor old mother in law and how her sweet son was all alone. " I don't know how I'm going to be able to bury her. Funerals are so expensive," she moaned within his strong arms. " Some are over ten thousand dollars. "

Jeremiah rocked her gently as he whispered," Shhh. Don't worry about any of that. If you need help I'm here for any of that , Lulu, baby. Now dry your eyes and I'll take you home to your son. If you want I'll even stay the night with you all. "

As he held her and patted her back in sympathy, Lulu refrained from smiling as she continued to dramatically cry and silently plot.

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