Episode 41

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That stupid old lady !

LuLu stomped into the house next door and threw her enormous tote bag across the hallway where it hit a back wall and landed on the floor with a hard thud , spilling all her contents from her makeup items to a half done pack of Kleenex to a thoroughly squeezed bottle of lube for those freaky occasions she enjoyed every so often to a loose still wrapped up stick of cinnamon gum.

She ignored the mess as she proceeded to pace nervously around the room. What the fuck was she gonna do now ! Her job didn't start till whenever FreakFace with the one eye decided to open that fucking bougie restaurant of his. And that little bit of chump change would never satisfy Bullet. It ain't like the man took payment arrangements , she laughed bitterly with fear growing in her heart. It wasn't the kid she was scared for. She didn't give a shit about him anyway. Jimmy was more her favorite. And he was stuck in juvenile because of geek Wheels over there. She wondered how long it would take to get money from that life insurance. She was always shit about numbers and taxes and all. She had no idea. Maybe she could get Geek Boy to cut a few thousand off the top. After all she was the little brat mama. Ain't she owed some consideration? She had given his chunky ass life , hadn't she? Frankie wanted an abortion. She said no. That should make her a good mom , right?

Her face screwed up as she heard that little bitch screaming at her back over there. He wished she was dead. She laughed. He was the one gonna wish he was dead when Bullet got done with him. Crying stupid brat. She hated him so bad.

She stopped pacing and instead stood still and pulled out the nice black leather wallet she had deftly lifted off the end table in the hallway when Geek Boy was more interested in Brat Boy having a temper tantrum and the Big Black Dick was more interested in his husband's little emotions. She smiled and went through the wallet. According to the driver's license it belonged to DuBuis Lane. She quickly took the sixty dollars inside it and the two credit cards to stick in her jeans pocket. Then she slid the picture of them fags next door out of the wallet. It was of the Black one looking at the Geek like he had invented lube or something , she snorted meanly. Then she spit on it and ripped it in half. She tossed it on the cold tiled floor and the wallet in the trash.

The cash and credit cards could help her get as far from the DMV as she needed to get. Away from Bullet and those drugs she had lifted. It wasn't like she actually took all of it for her own use. She sold most of it. Her clients were very happy with the product. If anything he needed to give her a finder's fee instead of shooting up the house and threatening people.

The silver she found and tucked in her totebag would also come in handy.

So would Jimmy's old cell phone.

So would the old man's old silver dollar collection and the gold wedding band and watch that used to be his before he himself had checked out. Gert was a senile fool. If it had been her she would have pawned all that shit the minute the old man breathed his very last one.

Of course she might not need to escape. Maybe she was being too hasty. She had another option, she thought as she patted her belly.

Then she dialed up her " baby's daddy".

" Baby , I have some wonderful news , " she chortled over the phone once Jeremiah had answered groggily. He sounded tired. Poor boy. She must have wore his tight little ass out. He better get used to it. She had plans for him and his ass. " You work fast. I'm pregnant ! "

Jeremiah was silent for a long time. She thought he had hung up and was silently cursing her bad luck. Then he spoke. Well actually he laughed and then he spoke, saying," I doubt it. You don't observe well do you? Did you not notice the scars on my chest? Most do. My ex-wife Amanda certainly did. She hated them. She hated what I became. "

LuLu was confused. What was the man going on about? Scars ? She couldn't remember any scars but she was more into other aspects of his body that night. " I didn't see any scars, baby boy. And your ex wife is an idiot. You're perfect and she couldn't appreciate you. I can though. "

Jeremiah's voice was cold as ice as he replied," I'm perfect now. I wasn't before. And Mandy is hardly an idiot. You're the idiot trying to put a baby on me. If indeed you are actually pregnant. Someone who does dine and dash would do anything for easy money and a meal ticket. "

" Now hold on one cotton picking minute, mister. This baby is yours and......"

" No. It's not ! I can't father any babies, you stupid bitch. You stupid gold digging bitch. The chest scars are from top surgery. I wasn't born a man. I was born Janice Duncan. I was once a lesbian. Now I am just a straight post op transgender man. "

LuLu's mouth dropped open. A ...... A what ? Nah. That could not be true. That fine ass man could not be...... Oh dear God.......

Jeremiah snapped," Delete my number. Don't call me again. If you do I'm getting a restraining order. Good bye. Oh and careful drinking coffee in my family's restaurants. Any of them. We have ten you know. "

Then he hung up and out of frustration LuLu screamed. Now what the fuck was she going to do?

She tried to get control of herself. She knew what to do. Get the fuck out of the DC Metro area, that's what.

But maybe before she left she would get a parting gift from Geek Boy next door. He should be able to get a little something off the policy and then they would never see her ass again.

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