Episode 68

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Lyle yawned and stretched his arms as he turned off his car in the driveway of his and Angel's house. He liked to say that. Even in his own mind. His and Angel's house. Not just his but theirs together. He was feeling more comfortable with the relationship, he thought as he stepped out of the car and proceeded to lock it. His eyes searched for Angel's Corvette, failing to see it , but then remembered that since today was his late day supervising the musical theater club Angel had decided to finish up Christmas shopping at the mall. Disappointment grew in his heart at the thought of the man not being in the house when he entered. He was getting so used to Angel Anderson being in his life.

He reached into his coat pocket and felt the small black box that he had gotten Angel for Christmas. It was early. He knew that. And he could still say no but. His head was still trying to caution him into going slower but his heart was singing a different tune. The only thing that disturbed the peace and tranquility of their relationship was ..... that man. The wheelchair bound host of their new favorite restaurant that he was shocked to discover was Angel's old boyfriend. Except the man was not old. And he was incredibly handsome on a rugged outdoorsy level. Even in the chair. Especially when compared to Lyle himself. The man flirted with Angel whenever they went in Richard and Nigel's. He still called and texted and even though Angel never responded to any of it he would not block the man. Why wouldn't he block the man ? If it was Dave Lyle would block him. Not that Dave would ever want him back.

He walked onto the porch and sat on one of the two chairs out there. He drew out the box that he still needed to wrap. Opening it he gazed at the simple silver wedding band. Or he should say engagement ring. He had even had it engraved with the words Angel and Lyle forever 2024. " Please say yes," he whispered as he closed the box and reverently placed it back in his pocket.

Then his phone beeped with a notification about a text message. He was slightly unnerved to see that it was from a private number. He had not had anymore strange calls or packages lately which was a relief to him. Seeing the private number sent cold chills over his spine.

Private number: You are a fool , little man, if you think Angel will actually stay with you. He's a diamond. You are just fake glass. Just a scared little man who will just hold him back. Do him a favor and end it before you get your heart broken.

Lyle swallowed hard. Was this Hank ? More importantly was it true?

No. Angel said he loved him. And he loved Angel. Nothing would come between them. And when Christmas came he was asking the man to marry him.

" Fuck you, Hank Harmon, if this is you," he said in a stronger voice than he usually had. " You lost. I gained. "

Then he deleted the message and sat on the porch praying that this time around all his dreams would come true. For once.

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