Episode 107

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" So I am technically worse off disability wise than you , my stepbrother , " Spencer said in his usual matter of fact and precise manner of speaking as he sat in the kitchen with his family. The three kids , Luci , Sol and Theodore , all recognized his lecture voice and decided mutually that it was time to grab their backpacks and head out to the bus stop. Glory and DuBuis just chose to remain settled at the table to enjoy the show they were undoubtedly about to be privileged to watch.  

Alfred sat in a kitchen chair with his walker very close to him. He watched the slightly older man in the wheelchair and smiled widely at him. " How so ? "

Spencer pursed his lips. " It is most obvious. I can not walk. At all. You can walk. With help. But you can walk. And go upstairs if you wanted to. I prefer our old bedroom to what is essentially our former dining room area. "

Alfred narrowed his eyes and ran his strongest hand through his thick wavy jet black hair. " I can walk , yes. But not very well without a walker. That'd be my Stan here. Also my cane which I never really named. And my old trike Beulah. I miss her.  Without them I get tired too easily and may suffer falls. "

" I have fallen from my chair. When I forget to fasten my seatbelt and lean over too far. "

Alfred continued on , " I also have spasms in my body. "

Spencer nodded. " As do I occasionally. I am on a medication for it. Gabapentin. "

" I'm on that. Also Dantrolene.  I have seizures as well. Usually when I get really tired or stressed."

" I wear diapers , " Spencer said with a hint of self mockery. " And I have a technical kind of catheter device. I have a special shower chair and rods in the bathroom. Downstairs bathroom. I can no longer go upstairs. " 

Alfred leaned forward carefully. " I have all that. Least I did in my old apartment in Philadelphia." His eyes seemed to turn sadder at the mention of Philadelphia. " See here ? Do you all get offended by people treating you like a child ? No. A baby. Complete strangers treat me like I'm two. I went to a restaurant once with my ..... with someone and the waitress gave him a drink menu but not me. When I asked for one she laughed and said " I didn't think people like you could drink ".  Well I bet she didn't think I would ask for the manager too. He gave us free meals and drinks. Especially when he recognized Scott. My mother taught me to stand up for myself. I'm a Giadello for heaven sake. "

" Who is Scott? ," DuBuis whispered to Glory as he sipped at his cup of coffee.

Glory finished off her herbal tea and replied ," My son's fiance. Scott is a reporter. He's never home much. Seems nice enough though. I'm not sure why he didn't come with Alfred. I'm assuming he is moving here too. They live together after all. "

Spencer was warming to the discussion. " Yes.  People, strangers, tend to treat me in abominable and intolerable ways in public. They touch my chair which irritates me. They don't need to touch my chair. And they speak extra slow to me like I have a learning disability instead of not being able to walk. I have the highest IQ in the country. I've written books on mathematics theory. I am a professor. They should not treat me as a moron simply because I can't walk. "

Alfred smiled softly. " It is hell , isn't it. "

Spencer nodded. " Yes. It is. Sometimes I think it is a nightmare that I will wake up from but I never do. You know I dream about walking. "

Alfred said quietly," I dream about being able to tie shoes. "He looked down at his feet which were encased in battered old black sneakers that had velcro instead of actual laces.  " My hands. They don't work well enough to..... "

Spencer looked at him for a few seconds then said," Would you like to see some of my books? I have copies in the living room? "

" Sure. "

Then , debate or discussion or whatever it had been between them ended abruptly as Spencer in his wheelchair led the way to the living room with Alfred on his walker carefully proceeding behind him.

DuBuis said ," I'm glad Spencer made a friend."

Glory nodded. " As am I about my son. He's never been good at making friends. Even as a child. Trust issues really. His closest friend is his sister Dodie who tends to baby him which he absolutely hates. " She hesitated before continuing on with ," I think he and Scott broke up. Shame. "

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