Episode 23

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She was still asleep. Richard sat by his daughter's hospital bedside, holding her hand , brushing her hair with her favorite hairbrush, reading her storybooks. And silently praying that she opened her eyes again. Why was she still asleep? , he worried as his eyes refused to leave her peaceful little face. The doctor said the operation was a success. She had lost a lot of blood yes but with what he and Lewis had given her it had sustained her as they had repaired the damage in the operating room. He hated to see his baby girl hurting. Her little arm was broken. Her little ribs cracked. If he ever found the bastard that stole a car and ran her down like a stray dog in the street......

Nigel stepped into the room and over to his side. He was holding a bag from McDonald's and a drink carrier. " Here, baby ," he said, handing Richard a cup of coffee and then a sausage biscuit and hash browns with a package of grape jelly. " You need to eat. You won't help our daughter if you faint from lack of food. " He pulled a chair closer to his husband and unwrapped his own sausage biscuit. He took a small bite and made a face, saying," I hate bloody fast food but when I was on the streets beggars couldn't be choosers. "

Richard smiled slightly. He sipped at his coffee gratefully. " I think your taste in food is even more bougie than mine is. By the way I spoke to Jeremiah. He has managed to pull Judge Hiram for the custody appeal. He said that he went to the wall saying Beverly was being vindictive and that it was a conflict of interest her being my ex. He's very good. I'm going to talk to Ethan and Claire about bringing him on as a junior partner. I'm also planning to entice Amanda Charm over to my firm. I like her style. And I would rather her be on my side. "

As Richard began to eat his breakfast, Nigel had already finished off his own and was bagging up the trash. He knew he was hungry but he didn't know how hungry he was. " Do we need another judge? I mean Winston admits he lied. He admitted in front of everyone that he faked the test. Which I knew. I knew that test was wrong. "

Richard was starting to relax a little more. Maybe it was being with his daughter and knowing she was safe and sound. Maybe it was the food and coffee. Maybe it was just having Nigel at his side. With the man near him Richard knew he could handle anything that came his way. Anything. " True. But with the legal world there's always things to do in the background. There is still the damn custody agreement Beverly gave that lying man. Jeremiah is getting Judge Hiram to have it made null and void. Then we are free to take her back home again. I know the judge. He's a good man. Good judge. He's in my club. I wish we had pulled him first. "

Nigel took a long sip of coffee and closed his eye. " I wish Winston would get punished. Does that make me evil? I can't help it. I want him to pay. "

Richard did as well. That was why he had called the State's Attorney to inform the man of Winston's actions. His old golfing buddy at the club was not at all happy, Richard smiled. And on Monday he was going to notify the bar association with an official complaint. Yes , he mused , he was his mother's son. Nobody fucked with his family.

Then Richard's phone rang. He answered it quickly. " Yes ? "

It was Dominic Gaines from Gaines Investigation in DC. " Hey , Richard. It's Dom. We're still working on the Swan matter. It's assigned to Hester Hollis. But Eric has found out some very interesting information about Mr. Winston Arnett. "

Richard lifted an eyebrow. " Do tell. "

" On paper Arnett is a little bit of a homophobic prick but behind closed doors like they usually are he has a secret life. He's currently having a sexual affair with one Joe Jacobs who owns a vegan restaurant in Bethesda. He's usually at Jacobs' house at least twice a night. He's also been seen at the Zest in DC on a couple of occasions. Might be closet case. Might be bi. Who knows. "

Richard laughed out loud, startling both Dom on the phone and Nigel. " Why that ironic son of a bitch. "

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