Episode 50

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" Gertrude didn't have much family , " Spencer said quietly. " And Sol is too young to be planning a funeral so I figured I would actually do it all myself. They're Jewish but not that Jewish so I don't know if I should do any of the rituals Google informed me was customary. "

DuBuis cut a bite off his deep fried pork chop and said," I helped plan my pop's funeral when I was nine. Sol has a few years on me. "

Faith rolled her eyes and loudly burped with great flair. " That's cause you was old. That's why we all hate your ashy ass. You tried to ground me when I was nine. You were fourteen. Trying to be daddy. That's why you hated Santa Fats so much. "

DuBuis sighed as though he was in a sudden pain. " I didn't ground you. Should have though. You stole candy from the corner store. Least I didn't tell Mama. "

Faith snorted. " I wish you had. Your lecture was worse than any of her whoopings. I don't like funerals. They unnatural. But if you need an undertaker, MathBoy , hit me up. One of Pamela's cousins is a doctor married to a grave digger owns a funeral home. He's the one had Pamela's body. I don't know how good he do though because casket was closed whole time. I thought that was odd. She wasn't that messy in the face or nothing. Anyway I don't want no funeral, DuBuis. No box , no weeping, no long boring sermon and speeches. Just something green. Plop my ass in a hole, call it a day and go get wasted. "

Mary was sitting as straight as a board in a  chair near her mother, Nigel and Richard. She was ignoring most of the food on the table and only had a small helping of green salad sans dressing on her plate. Nigel noticed that she ate like a small sparrow and that her face was pinched looking like she smelled something bad. He wasn't sure he liked his teenage sister that much. " You people would have no respect for death and the traditions connected to it," she murmured softly. Matilda smiled graciously as she indelicately elbowed her daughter in the ribs.

Faith looked hard at the girl. " What the hell you mean" you people " ? ," she demanded.

Richard put a hand on Nigel's arm and leaned forward to whisper in his husband's ear," Stay out of it. But if Faith picks up anything sharp duck. "

Mary sighed dramatically. " Oh not that. I don't care about Black people. Least you are all natural. I was referring to..... You ABC people. The alphabet brigade or whatever you call yourselves. I'm not surprised you all have no respect for death. "

Nigel ignored his husband who kicked his ankle under the table and turned to his sister to firmly say," I have a tremendous respect for death and the rituals it's associated with. So does everyone at this table. Being gay doesn't affect any of that. "

Mary snorted.

Angel tried to change the subject by saying," Anyone ever seen Top Model? "

Faith dropped her fork to the table top with a loud clang. She stood up in an unstable fashion and pointed her finger at the girl's smooth prim and proper face. " You people have a nerve sitting at my family table talking shit about what's respectful! I guess it was really respectable and respectful for Mommy Dearest here to dump ole Nigel there on the streets like he was yesterday trash. He was a baby for God's sake ! "

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