Episode 104

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Later that night Faith returned home with her head divided between two different school of thoughts. One was about the HighTower poisoning case which had came up bust because they found absolutely nothing incriminating at the HighTower bougie home. Which meant unless the tox tests on the food and drink pulled from the kitchen came up funky they didn't have shit to hold Penelope on. Although she had went out of her way to text the husband about his maybe wanting to get a restraining order against Penelope. The other thoughts were about the one woman she needed to stay far away from but somehow just couldn't. An older beautiful mysterious con artist. Matilda Swan had to be pulling a con. But what was her game with Faith herself? , she wondered as she approached her front door which to her growing alarm was slightly open.

They never left the door open.

The hair on the nape of her neck stood up suddenly and her body tensed as she slid her service revolver from its shoulder holster beneath her jacket. With the gun lifted slightly , her foot kicked the door open wider to reveal a darkened living room with an odd but familiar smell that should not be in her home.

" Melinda! You in here! ," she yelled as she felt along the wall for the light switch. Once the light came on the room was illuminated brighter than ever and exposing that not only had her home been trashed but someone had written in bright red spray paint on the wall over the sofa " YOU KILLED PAMELA". On the opposite wall was sprayed " PAMELA IS BACK".

She stepped more into the room, stepping over a broken gold framed  picture of herself smiling with DuBuis , Spencer, Luci and Theodore.

" What the fuck..... " She pulled out her phone to call for assistance when she saw her.


Her wife.....

Her lover.....

Melinda was sprawled on the carpeted floor and covered in so much blood. Blood and other substances were everywhere around her unmoving pale faced body. Her eyes stared up at the white painted ceiling unseeingly and they looked so surprised. And pissed.

" Melinda! ," she screamed as she ran over to her and fell to her knees before her body. She put away her gun in the holster and reached for her wife. " Melinda! Say something! Say something, you idiot ! You can't do this to me. You can't leave me. Like she did. Please. Melinda..... "

As she cried and cradled her dead wife in her arms some rational part of her mind told her to dial 911 on her phone.

" 911. What is your emergency? "

" I need every available cop to Western Garden Apartments on Stewart Avenue. Apartment 210. Officer down ! Fucking officer down! "

Then she hung up and dialed another number.

" Yeah? ," she heard her brother say through what seemed like a fog in her head. " What do you want, sis ? "

Faith didn't answer. She just cried.

DuBuis asked with concern," Faith ? What's wrong? Why are you crying? "

She continued to sob as she held onto Melinda.

" Faith ! Damn it ! Talk to me! Where are you? Are you ok ?"

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