Episode 97

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He hated to nap this early in the day because it made him seem so frail and almost elderly but Alfred needed to lay down in his mother and Andrew's guest room almost as soon as he got in the house. He loved traveling but it did take a lot out of him especially when he was traveling with a patronizing asshole that had his stress level sky high. That ass driver had reminded him of his own father and that was not a good thing. Truthfully he much prefered Andrew as a father figure.

Once she got him settled into the bedroom and kissed him again on the forehead his mother had left him alone to recline on the bed in much relief. His entire body was starting to hurt so bad and he felt tired. Too tired. Stress always made it worse. Like when his mother had inquired about where Scott was. He had mumbled something to the degree of Scott being on a business related trip which could be true, he supposed as his body did a slight involuntary twitch on the bed. Scott was the debonair fierce boy wonder of investigative journalism after all, globetrotting his way from battlefield to war zone and back again. He could be in Iraq for all he knew. Not that he cared anymore.

His thin arms wrapped around the big fluffy pillow next to him on the double bed. Why should he care ? Who was Scott Sands to him anyway? Just the bastard who had supposedly loved him for five years, asked him to marry him, made him promises, never treated him like a disabled burden and cheated on him with his damn cameraman.

He squeezed the pillow tightly with his stronger arm. That was why , the real reason beyond missing his mother and stepfather, that he had accepted the job offer from Barrington. He could not stay in Philadelphia anymore. Not in that apartment. Not with that man.

As much as he loved Scott still he was done, he thought with grim finality right before he began to sob himself to sleep.

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