Episode 18

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" I'm sorry, Mommy," Rebecca said sadly. " I love you. I want to stay. But I think Daddy needs me. "

She threw her arms around her dead mother and hugged her tighter than ever before.

Sarah smiled softly into her daughter's hair. " I love you too, darling. "


Rebecca rested upon a single hospital bed in a private hospital room, her eyes still closed to the world beyond her. Next to her on the right sat her father Richard who held her hand strongly as his other hand tenderly stroked her face. On the left side of the bed sat Nigel who gripped her other hand equally tightly.  He looked like he had aged ten years older than his current age of twenty eight.

By the closed doorway stood Andrew and Glory with a sleepy looking Lewis. Andrew said," We'll take Lewis back to our place tonight. He's tired. He can stay with us tonight. We'll get him off to school tomorrow. Don't worry. And tell us the minute she wakes up. "

Richard nodded. " Thank you, Dad. I love you all. I love you, Lewis. "

Lewis blinked his eyes and rubbed his head. " Yeah. Love you too, Dad. "


Theodore actually felt really really really relaxed. In fact he had never felt so relaxed in his entire fourteen years of life. He felt carefree, confident, sexy. He felt, he thought as he adjusted his glasses, ten feet tall. Twenty feet tall. Maybe that was why he summoned up the courage to strut over to where Luci With A I Not A Y was still dancing with Alan. His Alan , he mentally giggled in his head. He strode over, almost tripping as he moved but not caring at all, and literally came between the two of them. " Luci , Luci, " he sang out merrily. " Don't be selfish. You need to give us all a chance to dance with Alan here. " Then he playfully grabbed the other boy by the hand and pulled him off to dance. Alan laughed self consciously and shrugged at Luci like he was saying" what can I do ".

Luci rolled her eyes and moved slightly to head to the table to grab a cookie to go with the punch she was finishing when two things happened.

One Sol showed up next to her and asked her haltingly to dance. And her face beamed radiantly as she said yes.

Then Zora walked past them and swayed a bit as she accidentally bumped into Luci so roughly that she knocked the cup of punch Luci was holding all over her dress.

" Hey ! ," Luci snapped at Zora who laughingly said," Sorry ! But no harm done. Except to that rag you are wearing. Where'd you get it, boy ? Goodwill? Here. Take my drink. I haven't even had a sip from it. So we're even. "

Still laughing, Zora pressed the cup into Luci's hand and then she floated away to dance with a cute eighth grade boy that was looking her way.

Sol made a face at the departing Zora. " Stupid girl. I'm get you some napkins, Luce. Wait here. Ok ? "

He hurried off to the table and Luci sighed deeply. The dance had started off fun but now it was looking like crap on a stick, she thought as she looked down at her now stained new dress. Sighing again she took a sip of the punch. She made a face. This one tasted kinda gross but it was hot in there especially with all the dancing so she finished the drink off pretty quickly.


" You're a pretty good dancer," Alan said with surprise.

Theodore smiled widely at him. " Of course I am. Dance and violin and singing are the only things I don't screw up. I need practice at other things though. Like. ......" He reached out and pulled a startled Alan against his body. " Like..... Kissing. " Then he leaned forward and ,  with closed eyes, he kissed the boy of his dreams.

And to his surprise Alan actually kissed him back.


" Boyfriend, huh ? ," Lyle asked softly as Angel handed him more punch.

Angel actually had the grace to blush as he said,"Yeah. I probably overstepped myself. We just started dating. You might not even be interested. And you probably don't want to be exclusive. And for some reason you are making me very flustered right now. And.... "

Lyle looked around the room to see if Gerald Hightower was nearby and watching them. He didn't see the headmaster so he summoned the bravery to pull the other man closer and pressed a soft serene kiss to his mouth. " You didn't overstep," he whispered. " I would love you to be my boyfriend, partner, whatever you want to call me. I'm interested. And exclusive is my middle name. I don't like sharing. "

Angel looked down at him and smiled. " Good. Because I think I may be falling in love with you. "

Lyle felt like he was asleep and having the most wonderful dream. And he didn't want to wake up again.

" That's ok too. Because I know I am falling for you. "


Spencer actually smiled for the first time that night. He from his wheelchair showed his husband the text message from his father. " Dad said Winston admitted he lied. He faked the DNA test. Or had it done. And Rebecca is out of surgery. She is still not awake but she's more stable they say. I'm so happy. Richard is going to be fine. "

A tear slipped from his blue eye even as he smiled from ear to ear. DuBuis kissed him lightly on the lips.

Spencer thought that it would be nice if someone would say that they had also lied about Andrew not being his own father. But what was the odds of that actually happening?

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