33: Lovers Spat

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Normal P.O.V

“So what is Harvest Festival?” Gems asked Gray as he saw the flyer in the guild hall.

“Harvest Festival is an annual event celebrated in Magnolia. Its like a public holiday.” Gray explained as they sat on a table with Gems still holding that flyer. “The people of Magnolia decorate every nook and corner of the town to celebrate us, its their way of thanking us for our service.” he added.

“That's it?” Gems asked.

“That's not it, various fun games and competitions are organized by the guild and the people get to watch it for free. And the most fun part is that people from all over the country visit us on that day to witness the Fantasia Parade.” Gray explained with a wide smile.

“Now what's fantasia parade?” Gems asked getting more confused. “I'm confucious.” he added while having a confused look on his face. Gray couldn't help but smile while looking at him.

“Grayyy! Stop smiling and tell me!” Gems whined while grabbing Gray's arm and shaking him up a bit.

“Fantasia Parade is a parade which is held by the guild itself. We use use our magic in creative ways, just like how we did it while giving farewell to Erza's friends and we get our own floats with the theme that we desire while we rally around the town and showcase our magic in the most beautiful ways to the town's people.” Gray explained.

“Wait we can get our own floats!?” Gems askes and Gray nodded.

“Can two people share the same float?” Gems asked and Gray nodded again.

“Yay! Gray can we please get a float together?” Gems asked.

“Is that even a question?” Gray said and that made Gems happy and super excited.

“Oh I already have so many ideas on my mind, like you can created a huge castle out of ice and I'll use my glitter winds to make it shiny or... Or you can create animals out ice and I'll make them float with my winds. I'm so excited!” Gems exclaimed with happiness.

Gray just smiled.

“Gems calm down, we need to get an approval by Mira first. And I'm sure she'll get us.” Gray answered.

“Let's go talk to her!” Gems insisted.

“The parade is on Saturday, we still have like three more days. We'll tell her tomorrow.” Gray answered.

“Are you sure? I don't want us to end up on different floats.” Gems said and Gray just sighed and nodded while squeezing Gems's hand.

“Yeah and its not like I wanna share my float with anyone that's not you.” Gray replied to lift up Gems's spirits. Gems still looked a little skeptical about that.

“If you say so...” Gems mumbled.

“Wanna go training?” Gray asked.

“Sure, let me ask Lucy if she wants to join.” Gems said and Gray nodded as they walked up to Lucy.

Unbeknownst to them, Juvia had overheard their conversation and now she had different plans for the duo and herself. She went straight up to Mirajane and asked if she could get a float just for her and Gray, and sadly it got approved.

Meanwhile Gems was so excited for doing all the cool unison moves with Gray that they were training for. He started to dream about all the stuff that could do together and create magic. Gray was as excited as Gems was.

- The next day -

“What!?” Gray and Gems both gasped at the same time.

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