Gray's P.O.VI felt better after Gems comforted me, he was sound asleep, this mission really must have taken a toll on him, mentally.
I smiled as I looked at him peacefully passed out resting his head on my shoulder. I pulled him closer and made him rest his head on my lap, making it more comfortable for him, before my vision blurred out and I was asleep as well.
I was immediately pulled out from my sleep when I felt shaking and trembling. Others woke up as well.
“What's that sound?” Gems asked as he rubbed his eyes and got up.
“Is it night?” Lucy asked.
Before I could say anything, a huge magic circle appeared above Deliora, and a beam of purple light was emitted.
“What's that beam of light!?” Natsu asked.
“It's coming from the ceiling.” Laki said as all of us gathered again.
“Purple light... I think its the moon light!” I said as I got up, with the help of Gems.
“What's going on? I'm scared Gray...” Gems said as he got closer to me. I could feel his fear and see it in his eyes. He really didn't want to be here, and it was all my fault that he had to be here at the first place. That light was shining on Deliora and it was no coincidence.
“We need to go find the source of this light!” Lucy said as she pointed towards the way out and the others nodded.
“Can you go, are you feeling okay?” I asked Gems and he nodded.
“I go wherever you go.” he replied giving me butterflies. I smiled and we all ran towards the stairs that went up. We got to the middle just to find out another magic circle there.
“Higher up!” Natsu said as he ran towards another set of stairs that led up to the top floor. As we ran up, we were out in the open again on the top of that temple.
We gasped when we saw some hooded figures doing something, like a ceremony. We all immediately took cover and hid behind a half broken wall.
“What is that?” Gems whispered.
“Shhh-” Lucy immediately shut him up. It looked like they were extracting magic from the moon.
“These guys really collecting the moon light?” Natsu asked.
“And they're shining it on Deliora, but what for?” Lucy had her own question ready after she didn't allow Gems to speak, what a hypocrite!
“This is the moon drip, its Balianese spell.” Laki spoke. “These guys are using the moon drip to revive that underground demon!” she added, but what she said wasn't possible.
“That's impossible, the iced shell can't be melted!” I immediately corrected her.
“Moon drip can melt it, focused moon energy can break any spell at all.” Laki said and everyone including me went silent.
“This is bad...” Happy mumbled.
“They've been doing this everyday, that's why the mountain peak was glowing yesterday, because of all this light.” Gems said.
“They've no idea how horrific Deliora is!” I said, Gems immediately put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. And the moon drip was the cause of the transformations the villagers were suffering.
“Those Bastards-” I could hear Natsu curse.
“Someone's coming!” Lucy mumbled as she got down a bit as we all saw those three coming back, with their leader this time whom they referred to as the cold emperor.

My Dear Brother (Gray Fullbuster X Male Reader)
Fanfic📌 REWRITING This is a story, my story, of a 16 year old boy named Gems D'Cruz, and the adventures he'd have in the wizard guild with his love interest Gray Fullbuster. This is what my Fairy Tail would look like. 11/11/2024 - #1 in "grayfullbuster...