59: Tag Team Partner

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Normal P.O.V

It had been a couple of weeks since the Edolas incident, and everything was back to normal. The winter was in, and so were the trials for being the S-Class wizard.

Gems and Lucy went to shopping for some winter clothes, while Gray and Natsu took up a mission. Gray And Natsu wanted Gems and Lucy to come along, but the duo of best friends chose to take a day off since they've been on those missions from the past five days.

Laki and Wendy went on missions too, it was all because the exam was near and everyone wanted to improve their ranks.

“These S-Class trial exam gonna be end of me.” Lucy sighed as she opened the door and her and Gems entered an empty house of theirs with all their shopped items, while everyone else was on their mission.

“All the others have constantly been on a mission, I don't mind healing them, but do they always have to come back injured?” Gems complained as he closed the door behind. “Do you think anyone from our team will qualify?” He asked Lucy.

“The one thing I know is, neither of us is qualifying.” Lucy spoke letting out a giggle. Gems couldn't help but laugh at their hopelessness.

“We are so hopeless.” Gems laughed.

“Do you know what time they're coming back? Its almost dinner time...” Lucy asked while looking at the clock.

“Gray told that they'd be back before dinner...” Gems said as he helped Lucy put all their bags on the couch.

“Say Gems, can I ask you something?” Lucy asked grabbing Gems's attention.

“What is it?”

“What's cooking between you and Gr-”

Gems's heartbeats increased because he knew what Lucy was going to ask him. But he before she could even completely ask something, the door was smashed open and Natsu, Gray, Laki and Wendy were back from their mission.

“Gems heal us!” They all yelled, even Happy and Charles were injured.

Gems and Lucy looked at each other and ran towards them to help them. Everyone had some injuries. “Seriously what types of mission did you guys take!?” Gems asked as he helped Wendy sit on the couch, Lucy helped Laki. They helped others as well and locked the door, Erza was at the guild hall.

“Gray, you're not going on any mission tomorrow! And it applies to all of you!” Gems scolded them as he healed all of their injuries.

“But-” Gray spoke.

“No buts!” Gems yelled at him. “Enough is enough!” he looked at Gray with that look on his face and Gray had no choice but to shut his mouth.

As they went to bed, Gems thoroughly checked Gray's body for any wounds, but thankfully all of them were healed. Gems hugged Gray after sighing in relief. “You worry too much about me.” Gray smiled as he hugged Gems back.

“I could say the same about you!” Gems scolded Gray again.

“Oh you got me with that one!” Gray pouted.

“Can we cuddle?” Gems asked.

“Only cuddles?” Gray asked as he grinded his hard on on Gems's thigh.

“From just a hug!?” Gems asked as his mouth was opened.

“A hug that's from you...” Gray said while whistling and looking away.

Gems bit his lips and pulled Gray on the bed. Gems missed Gray all the day and the night was theirs now. Gray and Gems switch off the light and made love as if they were a married couple, before going to sleep naked in each others arms.

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