95: Power Of Believix

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Normal P.O.V

“Gems!” Gray and the others ran towards him.

“This game is over, I'm gonna suck all your blood out! Darkness Spear!” Lilith laughed as her hand glowed and all her fingers merged and become like a long spear.

Gems turned his head around and saw her coming down towards him. Gems's eyes had started to water as he tried getting up. But he had no strength.

‘I can't move... No...’ Gems's eyes widened as he tried his best.

Just when Gems thought that he wss about to get hit, PatherLily jumped in as he used his giant transforming sword and saved Gems from that attack. Meanwhile Lilith was in screaming in agony as her spear broke due to the impact with that iron sword. 

“You broke my hand!” Lilith cried.

“Gems, get up!” Lily spoke as he rallied for Gems. “This is no time lay around. You are better than this! You can easily beat her, I believe in you Gems!” Lily spoke. “You have handled opponents like Meledy and Shelia on your own, show her your true strength!” Lily spoke and Gems realized what Lily was talking about.

“I believe in you Gems, get up!” Lily said while protecting him from another attack from that witch.

“You believe... In me?” Gems asked. And PatherLily nodded.

“We all do.” he replied.

“Gemsie! Get up! You can do it!” Gray yelled, he wanted to come and help him, but the soldiers were too high in numbers and they weren't letting Gray and the others reach to Gems. “Gemsie! I believe in you!” Gray yelled at the top of his lungs.

Gems's eyes widened when he heard Gray's voice. He heard Lucy and Laki too, and Levy as well. Happy was cheering too. Gems could hear all his friend's voices telling him to get up.

‘They believe in me...’ Gems thought as he pushed himself off the ground, getting up while hissing in pain. ‘I can't give up... I have to give them something to belive in... I have to fight... Gray has stood up for me everytime, he has trained me... And his training won't go in vain... I will fight... I will fight till I win!’ Gems thought as he stood up.

Gems felt a sudden resurgence of magic in his body, he felt as he if was re-gaining his strength. Lavender winds had started to circle around him.

“Thank you Lily...” Gems mumbled. “Thank you, Gray...I heard you.” he mumbled as he smiled. ‘This is the moment that I had been waiting for so long.’ he thought as his body glowed purple.

“Requip: Believix!”

Gems knew this was his moment to shine, with his friends believing in him, he was able to achieve  Believix. Lavender sparkly winds had surrounded him as his body glowed.

And as the glow faded, there stood Gems, with a new set of wings and new battle gear of purple sparkly top and denim shorts with purple air jordans and purple fingerless gloves on his hand.

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