Normal P.O.VThe Dragon Chain Cannon was fired and it hit on the planned target and that magic caused the lacrima to move towards Extalia at a high speed.
Erza Knightwalker and the army had Gray, Gems and Erza surrounded.
But suddenly the ceiling broke and a huge flying beast made its way inside. “Guys!” It was Lucy's voice. “Guys! Get on!” She yelled.
Gems gasped. “Lucy!? You got turned into this!?” He asked, while Gray and Erza sweatdropped.
“Quit blabbing and just get on!” Lucy stood up and showed herself to them. Gems sighed in relief. He grabbed both Gray and Erza and flew towards to back of that flying beast, who the army referred to as a Legion.
Natsu and Coco were already there, Coco was the girl who became friends with Lucy and that was her Legion.
“Can we stop it with this thing?” Gems asked.
“I don't know but we have to try.” Natsu answered as the Legion immediately flew towards the Lacrima. They had to hold onto it tightly because the Legion was flying at a high speed.
It immediately head butted the Lacrima ground as it got between both the floating islands of the Lacrima and Extalia, putting his legs on the ground of Extalia. A lot of magic energy was being released.
“Stay Strong, Legion!” Coco yelled as she chanelled her magic energy into him, giving him more strength.
“Let's unleash our magic onto it too!” Erza commanded and her team members nodded and multiple magic circles appeared giving the Legion even more strength, but it was still no good as cracks started to appear on the land of Extalia.
“Stop!” Natsu ran and slammed his hands on the ground surface of the Lacrima, as a magic seal appeared while he was channelling his magic. Happy arrived as well, lending Natsu a hand with the little magic he had.
Gray and Gems looked at each other and nodded as they ran forward and slammed their hands as well, a lavender and a blue magic seal appeared as well. Erza and Lucy joined them too.
“Its no use! They're going to collide!” Lucy complained.
“Its hot! My hands are burning!” Gems complained while wincing in pain.
“Endure it!” Erza commanded.
Gray placed his hand on Gems's and used his ice magic to cool off the surface. Gems looked at Gray and smiled and thanked him.
They saw that Gajeel was there too, trying to help them stop the lacrima.
“It's about to squish us!” Gems said while pushing, as he now had his feet on the ground of Extalia, they were that close.
“Hold your ground! We cannot give up!” Gray said as he unleased more of his magic.
“We must stop it at all costs!” Charles added she flew towards it and helped them stop it. And one by one all the exceeds appeared and joined them, in order to stop the lacrima. Wendy and Laki were there with them as well.
The magic of each and every exceed and the wizards of Fairy Tail created a huge surge of magic, and they were able to push the Lacrima island away. But as soon they pushed it away, the lacrima started to glow and was emitting a lot of magic energy.
Gems grabbed Gray and flew away, Happy and Charles had Natsu and Wendy in their paws while other exceeds carried other Fairy Tail members.
“What's happening!?” Wendy asked.

My Dear Brother (Gray Fullbuster X Male Reader)
Fanfiction📌 REWRITING This is a story, my story, of a 16 year old boy named Gems D'Cruz, and the adventures he'd have in the wizard guild with his love interest Gray Fullbuster. This is what my Fairy Tail would look like. 11/11/2024 - #1 in "grayfullbuster...