38: Left Behind

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Gems's P.O.V

It's been a week since the harvest festival ended and the town has finally calmed down to its usual self. And as you'd expect, everyone was shocked in their own way after knowing that Laxus was kicked out of the guild.

Natsu in particular threw a big tantrum until yesterday.

It came as a real shock when Gramps told us that Laxus was very weak when he was little so his father implanted a dragon slayer lacrima in his body.

Gramps was about to leave as well but Freed, who cut his hair in an old fashioned style of repenting, was somehow able to convince him with just a few words.

Ever since harvest festival ended, Erza started to stay by herself.

Lucy had to face some problems of her own, between her and her father.

Laki had won the miss fairy tail contest, and even got interviewed by the Sorcerer Weekly Magazine reporter, Jason.

And for me, I actually caught cold just a night before both Gray and I decided to go on a mission, just the two of us. We needed some more money, hence I convinced Gray to go alone.

Gray insisted on staying home and not going, in order to take care of me. But all I needed was some rest and some soup which Lucy prepared for me.

“I wish I had the same magic as Warren's.” Gray said.

“Why?” I asked.

“So that I could talk to you all the time without even talking to you or even when we are far apart.” he answered.

“Awww Gray... I'll be fine.” I said as I gave him a tight hug. No kisses, I didn't want him to catch cold because of me. He was very resistant on going on that mission, but somehow I was able to convince him.

It was just a day long mission, he'd be back by tomorrow evening at maximum.

I slept in for most of the day, everyone would check in on me every once in a while. As the night arrived, I started to feel better, thanks to all the medicines and the soup. I wore Gray's clothes, because I missed him. It was oversized for me, but made me feel like he was with me.

I went to sleep thinking about my man.

I woke up with a strong grip around my waist, upon turning around I found Gray sleeping peacefully.

“Good morning baby...” Gray yawned and spoke in a sleepy tone.

I went closer and cuddled closer to him. He was gone just for a few hours and I missed him so much, it felt like he was gone for days.

“I missed you so much.” I spoke.

“That's why I came back early in the morning itself.” he said. “How you feeling?” he asked.

“Better than yesterday.” I replied, as I went in and pecked him on his cheek.

“I think I'll sleep for a while.” He said with closed eyes, pulling me closer. I just smiled, and held him. I missed him too, very much.

After some time, Gray gathered himself up and we got ready. I asked Gray about his mission, he didn't say much about it, but he got paid a lot as he completed it in half the time. I couldn't be much proud of him.

We were at the guild hall just sitting and chilling on our table just when Gray spotted Natsu and walked upto him.

“I have heard something crazy while I was on my mission yesterday, which you must hear as well.” I could hear Gray and so did the others as our attention was on him. I was with the girls. “There's someone just outside of town who claims to have seen a dragon.” Gray added and had everyone's attention, especially Natsu and Gajeel's.

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