35: Gems VS Freed

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Normal P.O.V

As the time passed by, more members of Fairy Tail were being taken down. And all of them were being taken down by the Raijin Tribe.

Freed literally squashed Alzack and Reedus, Evergreen interfered between Macao and Wakaba and defeated both of them and Bickslow defeated Nab and Warren with ease.

Master Makarov pleaded in front of Gajeel to join the battle and lend others a hand. But when Gajeel tried to join, the same thing happened with him that happened with Natsu and he wasn't able to join.

“I wanna join too!” Natsu complained while banging his fists on the invisible wall.

“This is insane...” Gems mumbled as he saw the results. ‘I can't just sit back, Fairy Tail is losing with such a bad margin...’ Gems thought.

Suddenly there was a new status update that was posted on the enchantment. It was the latest update of the current battles.

“Laki vs Freed, Evergreen vs Elfman, and Bickslow vs Gray.” Happy read and that immediately grabbed Gems's attention. Both Laki and Gray were engaged in a battle and he was concerned about them, especially Gray.

‘Come on Gray... You can do it.’ Gems thought as he looked at that.

“Evergreen vs Elfman: Evergreen wins???” Natsu spoke in shock. Others were shocked as well.

“I can't believe Elfman was beaten!” Gems spoke in shock. His mouth was wide open due to the shock value. “We gotta have our hopes on Laki and Gray.” he added while crossing his fingers.

But they all gased at the same time upon seeing the next update.

“Laki vs Freed: The winner is Freed.” Gajeel read.

“They beat Laki too!?” Makarov gasped as he realized that they were slowly losing the battle. Because even if Gray won against Bickslow, he still had to beat Freed and Evergreen to get to Laxus.

‘Come on Gray... You got this!’ Gems thought.

The glasses wearing boy was stressed as he didn't know what to do, a part of him wanted to go help Gray and a part of him wanted him to stay and look after the statues.

“And with Reedus out, we can't get Porlyusica's help...” Happy mumbled.

“We don't need help, Laxus is obviously bluffing!” Natsu said while rolling his eyes.

“You think I'm bluffing, Natsu?” They all heard Laxus's voice and immediately turned around while getting their guards up. But they all dismissed when they noticed that it was just a projection of Laxus.

Laxus immediately insulted both Natsu and Gajeel who didn't even get to the participate in the battle while making fun of Makarov.

“With both Natsu and Erza out of the game, there's no one left who can beat the Thunder Legion!” Laxus boasted while laughing loudly in their faces. “Will you surrender now?” he asked Makarov in a taunting way.

Gems looked at the status and saw that Gray vs Bickslow was still under progress. But the way Laxus didn't even acknowledge him made Gems's blood boil and pissed him off. He wanted go and help Gray so badly.

“Will you shut up for once!?” Gems yelled at Laxus grabbing his attention as he walked upto his projection. “Gray's still in the game!! You buttons for eyes Pikachu freak!” Gems fired back at Laxus.

Natsu and Happy let out a little laugh at how Laxus got insulted by Gems. This enraged Laxus even more.

“And he's more stronger than both Natsu and Gajeel combined! He'd never lose to the dumb old Thunder Legion!” Gems yelled as he looked at Laxus furiously.

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