66: Infiltration

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Normal P.O.V.

“Where's Gems?” Gray asked immediately as they returned to the guild hall. Him and Erza had helped Natsu fight off Sugarboy, while searching for Lucy.

“Gems and Laki had to urgently leave for a mission with my dad.” Cana said as she chugged on her alcohol.

“What!? You guys sent him on a mission!?” Gray frowned.

“It was urgent, considering the situation and no one else was around fit for that job.” Macao answered.

“Don't you remember what happened the last time he went on without me!?” Gray yelled remembering about the incident that took place in DioDelphi.

“Laki's there with him, and my dad's there too. You gotta chill.” Cana answered immediately.

“Gray... He'll be fine...” Erza said as she put her hand on Gray's shoulder.

“When did they leave?” Gray asked.

“Less than an hour ago.” Macao answered and Gray just sighed. Had they gotten rid of Sugarboy earlier, he would've been able to meet Gems.

Gray found a note by Gems when they went home. He missed him even more now. He went to sleep while hugging the pillow which Gems usually uses while going to sleep.

Gems's P.O.V

The three of us, Laki, Gildarts and I were traveling via train to our destination. Laki apparently had the information about the location since she already collected some reports before.

I just looked outside the window and sighed. The sky was full of stars and it was all dark. I thought of Gray, more like I couldn't stop thinking about him.

“Something bothering you?” I turned around immediately when I heard Gildarts. I needed to be on my best behavior in front of him. I just shook my head in a no.

“I feel like if we left a little late, I could've met Gray before leaving.” I just said while going back to watching the view outside the window.

“Tell me more about you, I wanna know how bright the future of Fairy Tail is.” Gildarts said with a smile. I smiled back, I showed him a few wind magic tricks which came in handy to me. I also told him about how Gray saved my life and was a big brother to me.

The rest of the trip was silent was all of us were asleep.

We reached the train station around noon and then it was a walk towards the our destination, the Lobster family plantation.

As we reached there, from far, we could tell that it was a barren land with broken mills and houses all around with no signs of any human being. I looked up at the sky as cool breeze hit my face, the weather was quite pleasant.

We walked on the path that was not covered by grass.

“This is one huge farm.” I complained.

“A glory long gone. Even the smell of its grass then is now a distant memory, never to be remembered again. An untouched album left behind by the flow of time.” Laki spoke and Gildarts made a confused face. I just sweat dropped.

“In short, its been years since this place was deserted.” I explained.

“This is the place where Michelle grew up... The Lobster Plantation.” Laki added as we continued walking towards to where we assumed was Michelle's house, according to Laki's reports.

“I gotta say... You've turned into a real babe these past few years.” Gildarts was flirting with Laki and my eyes widened.

“I'm going to tell Cana you said that.” Laki replied.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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