26: Possessiveness

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Gems's P.O.V

It had been a couple of weeks since the Phantom Lord crisis was over and the guild hall was under reconstruction. As guild wizards, we assisted each other in rebuilding.

Laki being a wood make wizard, had to do most of the job. Erza would help her, while Gray and Natsu would argue all the time. It honestly makes me laugh. Sometimes I wonder that Gray purposely acts childish and bickers with Natsu just to bring that smile on my face.

I was busy assisting people with injuries, healing them up, but Gray being an amazing boyfriend that he is, would always stop me and suggest that I take breaks before I run out of magic myself.

He was the best thing that happened to me. And ever since that day, I haven't seen that nightmare in my dreams, maybe I was over thinking about that.

Every alternative day, I would visit Porlyusica, with Gray, I had some bruises and injuries too which I couldn't heal myself, but Porlyusica's magic did wonders on me.

She'd complain about Gray being there with me, but still lets him in her house because of me. She's a sweetheart, she doesn't shout at me anymore, she's just like a grandmother which I never had.

“Your healing magic is majestic!” I said as I closed my eyes and felt myself getting rejuvenated.

Gray and I were at Porlyusica's for my healing.

“And there you go, all your injuries have been healed.” Porlyusica said as she stopped her magic.

“Thank you so much.”

“Maybe try to be less reckless next time.” she scolded me.

“I'm sorry, but can you teach me healing myself? Or maybe not getting exhausted after healing others?” I asked.

“You need to groom your magic as much as possible, it's a rare type of elemental magic, not found nowadays. I don't know if self healing is possible for you, but once you get stronger, you won't get as exhausted as now, while healing others." Porlyusica said as she gave me some sort of medicine to drink.

I looked at her in confusion and drank that, flinching due to the sour taste. Gray was flinching just while looking at me.

I made sure Gray didn't strip, or else Porlyusica won't ever allow him in her house.

“The taste so bad.” I said. Porlyusica just sighed.

“I am actually training with him, and he's actually getting a lot better too. He's a hard worker you know, I have faith in him that he will get better.” Gray praised me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, with a proud smile on his face.

“Y-yeah..” I replied while looking down.

“No acting lovey-dovey in front of me!” Porlyusica yelled as she smacked Gray's arm away, shocking both of us. I looked at Gray and he looked at me and we both had the same confused looks on our faces.

“Don't act like I wouldn't notice it, you bringing him here everytime, staying until we are done, I can understand body language, and the way you both look at each other and the way you both smell like each other.” Porlyusica spoke the last part while making a disgusted face.

“Porlyusica... It's...not like...” I was stammering while Gray was frozen.

“Don't worry, I won't let the word out until you do it yourself when you're ready.” She said and we let out a sigh of relief. But our heartbeats were still beating so fast.

There was an awkward silence.

“Moving past, do you know you can requip into more than Charmix?” Porlyusica asked me.

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