46: Love Hurts

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Normal P.O.V

Gray and Gems were silent the entire time as they walked towards the Lacrima. The silence was killing Gray. He wanted to talk to Gems, he knew something was up with him.

Gems had Gray's arm around his shoulders and was helping him walk. They were helping each other walk but yet, their was an awkward silence between them.

“This is one long hallway...” Gray mumbled, in order to get a response from Gems. But Gems didn't say anything.

‘Another failed attempt to talk to him.’ Gray thought while looking down. He was hissing in pain every now and then, the walk was quite long and his body was paining after taking the beating.

Gems might not talk to him, but he was noticing that. Gems silently casted his healing spell on Gray, in the hopes of Gray not noticing. But Gray could feel the effects of getting better.

Gray took a deep breathe and found courage to directly talk to Gems.

“What's up with you? Why are ignoring me?” Gray asked as he stopped and looked at Gems.

“I am not ignoring you.” Gems replied as he didn't look at Gray.

“Seriously? You're not even looking at me.” Gray spoke as he was starting to get frustrated. Gems immediately looked at him.

“Talk to me.” Gray said.

“I am surprised you chose me tag along with you, because I thought you'd tell me to wait somewhere and take someone else with you.” Gems said as he looked forward. It looked like they were about to reach.

Gray realized what Gems was talking about and immediately felt bad, when he understood Gems's point of view.

“Gemsie? Its about that-”

“Don't ‘Gemsie’ me!”

“I will ‘Gemsie’ you, whether you like it or not.” Gray replied.

“We've reached.” Gems spoke as they now stood infront of that huge lacrima. They looked at it in awe.

“So we just gotta destroy this... Doesn't look like Master Zero is here...” Gray mumbled.

“Which means one of the others is fighting him.” Gems replied.

“This lacrima is huge... And it looks tough too.” Gray said as they walked towards the corner of the chamber where they sat, until the timer in their head reached to the time limit to destroy the lacrima.

“We still have 12 minutes left...” Gray mumbled as he took a seat besides Gems.  Gray grabbed Gems's hand and squeezed it.

“Gemsie please talk to me...” Gray mumbled. “I don't like when you're so cold...” Gray spoke directly.

“Even I don't like when you always leave me out of the loop, but somehow I deal with it every damn time, so we're even I guess.” Gems responded with a sigh.

“What are you so mad about? You are clearly mad at me. You mumbled ‘you hurt me’ while attacking me, I wanna know... Talk to me.” Gray mumbled as he gave Gems's hand a squeeze. Gems took his hand back.

Gray was shocked and taken aback due to that action.

“Well I am hurt.” Gems said as he looked away, avoiding Gray's gaze. “Pretty badly.” Gems added as he brought his knees closer.

Gray was shocked to discover that, Gems's voice felt off and his body language was off too. Gray realized he done fucked up here. He didn't wanted to ruin the relationship he had with Gems and wanted go fix that.

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