55: New World, New Spells

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Gems's P.O.V

I felt a weight on body, my eyes were closed, but I could feel as if something was around my waist. I could hear people chatter, the sound was fading in my ears. I felt as if I have been sleeping for days.

The grip around my waist tightened and I knew what exactly was the weight that was on me. It was Gray's arm. But our bed wasn't feeling soft as usual, indeed it was tough as stone and I was feeling weird.

I slowly opened my ears, just to come face to face with ground, and it looked like I was slumped up on ground. I turned around and saw Gray, he had the same confused look on his face.

“Gemsie...” Gray mumbled, I couldn't hear it but I know he said my name by the movement of his lips. I got on my knees as we helped each other get up, my entire body was paining like crazy.

“What the hell? Only four of them!?” I heard Gajeel's voice. “Hey! Get up! Get it together!” he yelled at us as he looked at us, he looked stunned.

“Gray... Where are we?” I asked Gray as I looked around. We were surrounded by what seemed to be like an army of soldiers.

“The last thing I remember is that we were at the guild hall? What is this place?” Laki spoke as she looked here and there.

“Gajeel! What's going on?” Erza asked him, but Gajeel refused to speak and just told us to scram.

“There's no escape!” The soldiers yelled as they ran towards us with their weapons. I immediately got behind Gray, I didn't even know what was going on and why were they attacking us.

“Gems, get back! Ice Make-” Gray said he got in his maker stance but he wasn't radiating any magic. “My magic doesn't work!” he gasped.

“Mine's not working either!” Laki said as I saw her clenching her fists.

“Requip: Enchantix!” I yelled as I tried requiping, but it didn't work either. “Oh this is crazy...” I mumbled as I tried requiping a couple more times but it didn't seem to work.

“I'll explain everything, as of now we need to run.” Gajeel said as he snacked on his iron. “Roar of the Iron Dragon!” Gajeel was somehow able to use his magic as he wiped out half of those soldiers, creating a diversion for us.

“How come he can still use his magic but we can't?” I whispered at Gray but he just shrugged.

“Gray! Gems! Laki! Run as fast as you can!” Erza said as she sprinted off. Gray grabbed my wrist and took off after Laki. We immediately ran away from the commotion and found a safe spot, far away and waited for Gajeel.

- Mini Time Skip -

Normal P.O.V

“How were you able to use magic?” Erza asked Gajeel. “Explain in detail.” she added.

“The four of you had turned into lacrima, but both me's rescued you handily!” Another person who looked like Gajeel, appeared and informed them, this was getting even more confusing.

“Two Gajeels?!” Laki and Gems made a disgusted face. Gray was stunned as well.

“Nevermind, but what do you mean we turned into a lacrima?” Erza asked.

“This is Edolas, the counter world of Earth Land. Earth Land is the place where you live. This is like the mirror world and I am the Gajeel of this world.” Edolas Gajeel explained. “All the wizards of Fairy Tail were turned into a lacrima, for their magic power. We thought that's what the lacrima in the town plaza was...” he added.

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