67: New Position = More Fun!

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Normal P.O.V

Gems and Wendy used their magic to heal the Archbishop, both of them were holding hands as they chanelled their magic together and tried their best while Laki constantly checked on his fever.

They needed Archbishop to get back so that he could tell them some way to stop the Infinity clock.

They didn't give up, until Laki confirmed that the Archbishop's fever had gotten down. Happy and Gems were talking as he told Gems everything that happened with them while Gems and Laki were away and Gems pointed something out.

“That's it!” Gems said. “The infinity clock can be stopped if we defeat all the members of Neo-Oracion Seis!” Gems immediately added grabbing everyone's attention, they looked at him with confused faces.

“Gems I'm not getting your point.” Laki said.

“Happy said that the Neo Oracion Seis, put their marks on it when they revived the infinity clock, which signifies that the clock belongs to them. But if we beat them, maybe their ownership of the clock will go away? And that might free Lucy too!” Gems explained, Laki and the others thought about it until they realized that they hit jackpot.

“Warren, let Erza and the others know!” Laki said immediately and Warren nodded.

“I'm gonna go lend them a hand!” Gems said.

“Count me in.” Laki spoke.

“Don't count me out!” Happy said immediately.

“I'll join too.” Lily added.

“Wendy and Charles, will you guys look after the Archbishop?” Laki asked and they nodded. Gems and the others immediately ran towards the exit and made their way the others.

“Requip: Enchantix!” Gems requiped and they all took flight. 

“Happy and I gonna head for Lucy!” Laki mumbled and Gems nodded as Happy and Laki left to help Lucy, Lily joined with them to stop Samuel.

Meanwhile Gems went the other way and followed to where he was feeling Gray's energy. Gems flew as fast as he could in search for Gray. He felt cold and he knew he was near, he entered what felt like a botanical garden which had ice all over.

“Gray... Where are you...?” Gems mumbled to himself as he flew inside.

He went straight in and spotted Gray, standing there and dusting his clothes. “Gray!” Gems shouted as he saw Gray and immediately tackled him in a hug.

“Gemsie! Whoa!” Gray smiled as he held Gems.

Gems looked around and saw a guy, Dan Straight and another woman, Angel of Oracion Seis. “Is that Angel?” Gems asked as he let go of Gray and Gray nodded. “And who's that?” Gems asked while pointing at Dan.

“That's Dan, he's with the legion.” Gray said. Gems saw several wounds on Gray's body starting to appear.

“And you beat the both of them?!” Gems asked in surprised.

“Sorta kinda. Dan and I worked together to take Angel down.” Gray answered.

“Healing Winds!” Gems used his healing spell immediately on Gray, while Dan helped Angel get up. “Seriously, its about time I teach you how to dodge because you keep getting injured all the time.” Gems scolded Gray.

“I would've appreciated some help you know!” Gray said as he looked at Gems.

“Well I had to heal the Archbishop so not to mention!” Gems said as he looked at Gray. They both sighed. “I wanna do those cool unison moves that we've been practicing like crazy.” Gems added with a pout as he helped Gray walk.

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