89: Erza, The Wellwisher

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Normal P.O.V

Its been a couple of weeks since Gems's birthday. Gray still wasn't aware that Erza knew about them, via Gems. And everytime Lucy tried to ask something to Gems, the wind wizard skillfully avoided the question.

Gray and Gems took a couple of missions here and there, when they returned from their most recent one, they found that Natsu had brought an egg with him from his previous mission.

Three days later, that egg hatched and it was a very weird looking creature that came out. They didn't know what it was, so naturally they all took it to the guild hall to seek answers from Makarov.

Natsu named it Kemo-Kemo, but everyone noticed that it was growing in size. And Makarov didn't allow any pets in the guild after it attacked him with fire, just like Natsu.

Gray was not amused by the new pet at all.

Amidst all this chaos, a representative from the magic council appeared in the guild and informed makarov about the Wizard Exchange Program, in which all the guilds that participated in the Grand Magic Games were to work together for a day.

Erza's Team was automatically selected for the scheme.

But there program was a disaster in every guild that they visited. Their visit to Blue Pegasus was not a pleasant one, they tried helping them with their customers in their bar but it turned chaotic when Kemo-Kemo attacked them and they immediately had to leave.

They visited Lamia Scale next, Jura asked them to help him decipher some ancient writings on some rocks which appeared from the ocean a few days ago.

While Natsu, Wendy and Erza were busy playing with Kemo-Kemo, the others were trying to decipher the writings whereas Gray and Lyon were quarreling in the back. Their fight turned nasty when they both started using magic. A huge chunk of ice came crashing to where Gems, Lucy, Laki, Charles and Happy were trying to solve the puzzle and it destroyed everything.

They ended up with disappointment and had to leave Lamia Scale too.

They had to leave Quatro Cerberus guild as well, after Natsu and Bacchus engaged in a fight which caused Kemo-Kemo to launch a fire attack causing more destruction inside their guild hall.

Their next stop was Mermaid Heel, they were supposed to help Kagura and Milliana to serve the customers in their cafe, but only girls were allowed so Gems, Gray and Natsu were forced by Erza to dress up like women.

“Gray you look horrendous.” Gems said as both him and Natsu laughed at him. “You too Natsu!” he added.

“You don't look that great either with those pigtails.” Gray said while rolling his eyes, deep down he knew Gems looked cute.

“Let's get this done, I don't like wearing this.” Natsu complained.

They all were doing as being told by Kagura. The girls were trying their best to not laugh while looking at the guys.

“Sir, your drink!” Gems said as he placed a wine glass infront of a customer.

“Wanna drink with me, cutie?” the man spoke in a weird tone as he looked at Gems in a weird way. Gray and Natsu heard that and was about to do something but Lucy and Laki stopped them. 

“No, thank you.” Gems replied while taking a step back.

“Why don't you take a seat?” the man grabbed Gems by his wrist. It was very much visible that Gems looked uncomfortable by his touch. The waitress outfit that Gems was forced to wear didn't help his case. “A cutie like you, shouldn be in my bed and-” the man said as he glided his hand from Gems's thigh to above.

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