Normal P.O.V
Gray and Gems made a plan of baiting those Vanish Brothers and attacking them once they fall for it, Gems was sitting on a bench, reading a magazine named sorcerer weekly, which Gray gave him so that he could learn about Fairy Tail guild and the members.
Meanwhile Gray hid in the bushes, he was sitting ready to ambush Vanish Brothers for when they attack. Both the boys were patiently waiting as the night had just begun.
Gems sensed something, he sensed those brothers, he was about to get up but something came crashing down on the bench, destroying it completely, Gray gasped watching it.
It was one of the Vanish Brothers, who attacked from air by throwing himself onto Gems, as the dust settled down, Gray sighed in relief when he saw Gems coughing the dust out as he laid on the ground. He was able to dodge the attack.
‘Gray, don't come out of the bushes until I give you the signal.’ Gems told Gray as they were planning.
‘So you just want me to watch you get beat up by those inhumane monsters? Well no!’ Gray replied and Gems just sighed.
‘I'll be fine, if you want to catch them, we have to convince them that I am alone, I'll be fine trust me.’ Gems said.
Gray just agreed with a low 'fine' and gave a tight hug to Gems before they left the hotel room.
“Come on Gems! You can do it.” Gray mumbled as he looked at Gems getting up and facing both those brothers.
“You can run but you can't hide.” the shorter brother spoke.
“And this time you can't even run.” the taller one spoke.
“I won't let you take me, I won't!” Gems spoke with confidence as he got into a fighting stance, he was confident because he knew Gray was there to help him.
The taller brother just slammed his foot on the ground causing the rocks to jump in air, meanwhile the shorter brother used his large frying pan and hit those rocks sending them in Gems direction.
“Wind Shield!” Gems stretched both his hand forward as a lavender magic circle appeared and then lavender winds started gather in a circular motion forming a huge circular shield in front of Gems, protecting him from the stones.
“Way to go Gemsie!” Gray mumbled, he blushed at the way he already gave Gems a new name, Gray already picked up a liking towards the younger glasses wearing boy.
The shorter one ran and swung his pan towards Gems, breaking his shield, Gems just backflipped in order to dodge the attack, leaving Gray stunned in the process.
The shorter one swung his pan near Gems's feet, with the help of a cartwheel, Gems dodged that too.
“This kid thinks so low of himself, just for him to be this talented.” Gray sighed.
“You can't keep dodging us.” the taller one spoke as he came running towards Gems with high-speed and tackled him, sending him crashing on to the ground, making Gray gasp. But Gems stood up.
“Wind Blast!” Gems launched a lavender sphere of wind towards them, full of energy, which collided right on that pan.
“Don't you remember, my pan can repel can magical spells and with more force?!” the shorter one spoke as he swung the pan in Gems's direction sending his attack right at him.
Gems screamed in agony as he got hit. Gray gasped, and was about to come out, but he saw Gems telling him not to as the glasses wearing got back up again. Gray gritted his teeth.

My Dear Brother (Gray Fullbuster X Male Reader)
Fanfiction📌 REWRITING This is a story, my story, of a 16 year old boy named Gems D'Cruz, and the adventures he'd have in the wizard guild with his love interest Gray Fullbuster. This is what my Fairy Tail would look like. 11/11/2024 - #1 in "grayfullbuster...