74: A Beautiful Relationship

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Normal P.O.V

Gems took a couple of steps back from Gray. He was overwhelmed by whatever happened today and whatever people had to speak about him.

“I think we should... break up...” Gems mumbled while looking down, clenching his fists, holding back tears with his heart beating fast.

There was complete silence and they could hear the noise of the leaves hustling on the trees as the wind blew. Gray just stood there in silence as his lips quivered.

“The hell you just said?” Gray asked silently, as he made Gems look at him.


“Shut the hell up, Gems.” Gray shouted at him shocking him. “How can something like that even cross your mind?” Gray asked. He was disappointed. He felt disappointed in himself.

Gems just looked down, avoiding Gray's eyes on him. Gray took deep breathe and tried to maintain his calm.

“What has happened to you?” Gray asked calmly. “Tell me what's going on in your head this time?” Gray asked again.

Gems remained quiet.

“Gems. Speak up.” Gray demanded. Gems was trembling.

“I feel like we should take a break.” Gems mumbled in a low tone. But Gray heard it very clearly.

“But, why!?” Gray asked, his heart was beating fast. “Why are saying this!? Did you forget all the promises we made to each other after you returned from the Onega Dimension!?” Gray asked.

Before Gems could even say anything, Gray continued to pour down on Gems.

“You said yourself that you wanted me around you all the time, and I wanted that too. You didn't like when someone else gets closer to me, fair enough, because that's how I feel when someone gets closer to you and you were the one who promised me to stay by my side no matter what happens.” Gray reminded Gems of everything.

“So what happened all of a sudden that is making you think that you want to break up the beautiful relationship that we have?” Gray asked, from his tone it felt like was getting pissed.

Gems got a little bit scared when Gray raised his voice. It was extremely rare for Gray to raise his voice on Gems.

“Are you playing with my emotions!?” Gray asked and Gems's eyes widened.

“Gray No!” Gems immediately looked up and shouted while holding back his tears. “I would never do that you!” he added.

“Then answer my question.” Gray said, he was not in the mood to let this slide. “Why did you say what you said?” Gray asked again, sniffing this time and looked like he was getting emotional at the moment.

“While you were fighting for me to be on the team as Natsu's replacement, I saw people looking at you weirdly and were saying stuff about you for always taking my side.” Gems mumbled while wiping away a premature tear.

“I don't like how they judge you because of my presence. I don't like how they look at you as if you are their enemy and I don't like how they think about you.” Gems explained, Gray stayed quiet and let Gems speak.

“It was so frustrating, knowing that the person I love is getting all this hate because of me being there.” Gems added as he sniffed. He was looking down and didn't wanted to look Gray eye to eye. He was afraid of him.

“So I thought that if we break up, and maintain distance it would be better for you...” Gems spoke. “I am not playing with your emotions... I would never...” he added while sniffing, as he let a tear slip down his cheek.

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