Chapter 16

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Zhang Wen hesitated, feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place, while Lin Ran turned to see Dr. Mo had retreated in fear.

Lin Ran, who wasn't originally an alpha, had a cold and steady demeanor shaped by her past profession. She acted only in her best interest and had already bent her rules to repay a neighborly favor. Now, seeing Dr. Mo's frightened expression, she decided it was best they part ways.

Just as Lin Ran moved towards the corridor door, Dr. Mo, snapping back to reality, hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm finding the source of the music. Take care," Lin Ran said, about to leave.

Dr. Mo, in desperation, grabbed her wrist. "Can I come with you? We're neighbors. If you return home, can you take me? My daughter is waiting for me. I'll agree to any condition you set."

Seeing Lin Ran's impatience, Dr. Mo added, "Even what you wanted before."

Clinging to a slim hope for her family's sake, Dr. Mo was willing to endure anything. Lin Ran, however, looked at her with a mix of annoyance and disbelief, completely uninterested in what Dr. Mo was implying.

"Dr. Mo, right? To be honest, there's nothing I particularly want you to do. Plus, I've said that I'm going to find the source of the music, which will be very dangerous. You'd better not take the risk with me. Also, I'm not doing charity work; I won't keep people around who aren't valuable. I helped you just now purely to repay you for the favor. When my house was being renovated, you didn't make things difficult for me, which shows you're quite reasonable. That's why I helped you just now."

Mo Shuyu had imagined countless possibilities and had even started thinking about the intimate relationship she might have with Lin Ran afterwards. She never expected Lin Ran to reject her so directly, and she was stunned for a moment. Seeing Lin Ran reach for the door, Mo Shuyu grabbed Lin Ran's wrist again, feeling Lin Ran's demeanor turning cold.

Mo Shuyu's mind raced as she quickly said, "I'm not completely useless. I'm an emergency doctor. You just said there are zombies outside. Where are people who don't get sick? If you have an accident, I can help you. Plus, we're neighbors. Taking me back with you is on the way. The more chaotic the world becomes, the more you need a doctor around you."

Biting her lip, Mo Shuyu continued, "Also, I'm an omega. If you enter your susceptible period, I can serve as your soothing agent, so you won't need to inject inhibitors."

Lin Ran thought quickly. In an apocalyptic scenario, having a doctor around is indeed useful, and Dr. Mo is an emergency doctor, experienced in saving lives. More importantly, she's a neighbor. If something really happens, this neighbor might actually be able to help.

Lin Ran herself knew some basic first aid, but she couldn't compare to a professional doctor. She thought for half a minute before nodding at Mo Shuyu. "Alright, stay close. If something goes wrong, I won't have time to save you."

Saying this, Lin Ran took a kukri knife strapped to her backpack and handed it to Mo Shuyu, saying coldly, "Take this. If you want to survive, don't show mercy to zombies. Aim for the spinal cord. As a doctor, you should be familiar with the human body."

Without waiting for Mo Shuyu's reaction, Lin Ran turned the door handle and walked into the corridor.

There were fewer zombies on the first floor than before. They, like her, must have been drawn upstairs by the music.

Mo Shuyu looked at the kukri knife in her hand, gathered her courage, gripped the handle, and followed closely behind Lin Ran.

Lin Ran was not very familiar with the hospital's layout, but judging by the zombies, the music seemed to be coming from the upper floors. However, she wasn't sure which way to go. Seeing the crazed state of the zombies, Lin Ran was afraid that if she used the indoor stairs, she would be eaten alive by the zombies.

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