Chapter 95

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Lin Ran quickly drove to the entrance of Building 9, where Mo Shuyu and Cheng Yanhong loaded the remaining luggage into the car's trunk. Cheng Yanhong then got out to take Ruan Ruan and sat with her in the backseat, while Wei Qingxue took the driver's seat.

Lin Ran took out her motorcycle, and she and Mo Shuyu got on. Lin Ran started the motorcycle, and the mechanical arms began to fend off nearby zombies. Lin Ran slowly led the way out of the community, with Wei Qingxue driving behind them.

Zombies began to gather around, but the little girl, having never seen such creatures before, found them curious and stared at them through the window.

The car, now fortified after the modifications, kept the zombies out with ease. Meanwhile, Lin Ran, riding ahead, began to accelerate, followed by Wei Qingxue as they sped out of the Guanghua community.

The motorcycle made quite a racket, but Lin Ran used the mechanical arms to clear the way, keeping the zombies from getting too close to the car. With their speed, few zombies could even get close to the car windows.

They drove on the city road for a while, and after about fifteen minutes, they finally found the highway entrance leading to Jiangliao City. However, the entrance was clogged with abandoned vehicles.

Lin Ran slowed down as more zombies began to approach.

She and Mo Shuyu got off the motorcycle. While controlling the mechanical arms to start moving cars out of the way, Lin Ran, armed with her Tang sword, charged at the surrounding zombies.

There were at least thirty to forty zombies converging on them, but Lin Ran moved like a blur, her body swift and her sword even swifter. In just a few blinks, five or six zombies lay motionless on the ground. Lin Ran continued slashing through them, her movements too fast for the level 1 zombies, who were still reacting slowly as she cut them down.

In less than five minutes, Lin Ran had cleared out all the nearby zombies.

Even though Wei Qingxue and Cheng Yanhong knew Lin Ran was skilled, they were still stunned by her prowess.

Meanwhile, the two mechanical arms had cleared a path on the left side. After getting back on the motorcycle with Mo Shuyu, Lin Ran continued leading the way towards Jiangliao City.

Before the apocalypse, the drive from Jiangbei City to Jiangliao City would have taken about five hours. But now, with the poor road conditions and the constant threat of zombies, their progress was much slower.

As they traveled, Lin Ran saw many broken-down vehicles on the highway, some with zombies still trapped inside, growling and thrashing.

The endless stretch of road with just their two vehicles gave Lin Ran an eerie feeling, as if they were the last people left in the world.

The most time-consuming part of the journey was moving the abandoned cars out of the way. Even with the help of the motorcycle's mechanical arms, it took them a significant amount of time.

Around 4 p.m., Lin Ran noticed a village nearby. Estimating the remaining distance to Jiangliao City, she realized they wouldn't make it there by nightfall. Staying on the highway overnight would mean poor rest and potential risks. It seemed wiser to exit the highway and rest in the village.

Lin Ran shouted to Mo Shuyu behind her, "We probably won't make it to Jiangliao City today. Let's stay overnight in this village."

"Okay," Mo Shuyu replied loudly.

Lin Ran drove towards the highway exit, with Wei Qingxue following closely behind.

After driving a bit further, Lin Ran saw a sign indicating they were approaching Jin'gu Village, and she drove into the village.

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