Chapter 121

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The snow outside continued to fall without any sign of stopping.

Even though Lin Ran and the others were wearing down jackets, they still felt unbearably cold.

"When will this snow stop? It's already blocked the first-floor door. What will we do if we run out of supplies?" Ding Tong asked, worried.

"We'll have to wait until the snow stops," Lin Ran replied. She didn't have much charcoal in her space. She had wanted to stock up on winter clothes, but couldn't find the right places to buy them. So, she had only purchased a lot of thick blankets, down jackets, and the like.

Once the charcoal fire in the living room went out, Lin Ran closed the windows again. "This isn't working. It's too cold, and if we sleep like this, we'll all get sick. How about we move all the beds into the living room, close all the bedroom doors, and sleep here together? It'll be warmer."

"Good idea. Let's clear out one side of the living room."

Everyone quickly set to work, moving things around to make space for the beds.

Lin Ran and Mo Shuyu went to Cheng Yanhong's room to move their bed. Wei Qingxue, worried Mo Shuyu wouldn't be able to lift it, offered to help.

"Shuyu, let us handle it," Wei Qingxue said, pausing as she realized Lin Ran and Mo Shuyu had already lifted the mattress and were carrying the bed.

But after a moment, Mo Shuyu realized something. "Wait, we can't move it like this. We'll need to take it apart first, then reassemble it in the living room."

"Alright," Lin Ran agreed, as she pulled a toolbox out from her space and, together with Mo Shuyu, began unscrewing the bed.

Seeing that her help wasn't needed, Wei Qingxue grabbed some tools and went back to disassemble her and Ding Tong's bed.

Just disassembling and reassembling the beds took the group the entire afternoon. But with work to do, the cold didn't feel as harsh.

Once the three beds were repositioned, Lin Ran shut all the bedroom doors. It seemed like the indoor temperature had slightly improved, but it was still very cold.

The little one was bundled up in a down jacket, with a blanket over her, but nestled in Cheng Yanhong's arms, she still felt chilly.

Lin Ran glanced at the snow outside, which by now had covered half of the second-floor window.

"This snow still isn't stopping. How long is it going to last?" Mo Shuyu couldn't help but worry.

"I don't know. I'll grab a few more blankets for everyone from my space. We can't afford to catch a cold in this weather," Lin Ran said, advising everyone, before placing more blankets on the beds.

At this point, no one cared about appearances or hygiene. Lin Ran pulled Mo Shuyu close to her on the bed, both wrapped tightly in thick blankets. Ding Tong and Wei Qingxue huddled together, too, hoping to stay warm.

Outside, the wind howled, and inside, the room grew darker and darker. After some time, the snow completely blocked the windows in the living room.

Frowning, Lin Ran put on snow boots and opened the small door leading to the rooftop. She saw that the snow had completely buried the two-story house. Looking out, everything was a vast white expanse, with no trace of the nearby low houses—they had long since been covered by the snow.

The snow was still falling heavily, stinging her face. After only a few moments outside, Lin Ran was covered in snow and hurried back indoors, shutting the door to the rooftop tightly.

"The lower houses are buried, and it's still snowing heavily. I don't know when it'll stop. You guys should keep resting. I'll prepare dinner," Lin Ran said, heading to the kitchen.

Stockpiling Supplies&Raising a Child in a Post-Apocalyptic World by DrawingCardsWhere stories live. Discover now