Johnny Cade

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You quickly rushed to the hospital when you found out Johnny was admitted.

You ran up to a nurse,"Johnny Cade?"

She walked over to the desk and skimmed a list of names,"Are you family?"

"Yes." You nodded frantically.

"Room 82," she said and then you sprinted up the stairs.

You reached the second floor and bursted into the assigned room. The other boys of Johnny's gang were crowded around him. You gasped as they cleared a way for you. Johnny was covered in burns. You cried out, clenching your chest in heartache. "Johnny?" You sobbed and walked over to his side.

"We'll give you two some time," Sodapop patted your back and smiled sadly at you. You nodded and returned your attention to your dying boyfriend.

"Johnny, please." You shakily placed your hand on his.

He wheezed,"I'm sorry, Y/N."

You shook your head,"There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault."

Johnny let out a tear,"I'm sorry..."

"No, Johnny. I'm sorry. I should've been there for you, but I was too selfish! Please don't leave me.." You sobbed into your hands.

"Y/N?" He called out. His voice was barely audible.

You looked up, but your vision was blurred. "Yes?"

"Don't cry. I want to see your beautiful smile." Johnny placed a hand on your cheek. You melted into his touch. Out of habit, you smiled. You smiled through the pain. You smiled through the tears. "I love you, Y/N. Always have, always will." Johnny took in a shaky breath and relaxed.

"I love you too, Johnny. We can fight through this together." You ran a hand through his hair. You received no response. "Johnny?" Only silence. When you realized that the heart monitor flatlined, you screamed. The boys came back into the room to see you on the floor. You had collapsed from heartbreak.

You could hear Ponyboy join in with your tears. You sighed heavily, shaking with each breath.

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