Dallas Winston

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"My goodness, Dally!" You argued and crossed your arms. He rolled his eyes in response and began chugging another bottle.

You groaned, clearly frustrated. Dallas wasn't listening to you; like always. In fact, he was completely out of his mind. You watched him continue drinking from his bottle of beer. He slammed the glass down onto the table, almost shattering it as he did.

"What's your problem?" You frowned and threw your hands into the air. It may not seem like it, but you were scared. It always bothered you how Dally was slowly becoming an alcoholic.

Dally ignored you and struggled to walk out the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" You snapped him back into the house.

Dally turned around and slapped you. He slapped you right across the face.

You gasped in surprise,"what the hell?" Your cheek burned. His eyes softened when he realized what he'd done. He quickly tried to apologize, but he knew it wouldn't work. Even he wouldn't forgive himself.

Tears flooded in your eyes and you tried to blink them away. You stormed away and into your guys' bedroom. You slammed the door shut and locked it.

You heard Dally banging on the bedroom door,"Y/N! Please let me in. I'm sorry."

You curled up on your mattress,"Go away Dallas. Sleep on the couch."

Dally didn't answer, instead you heard his footsteps retreating to the living room.

You shook as you took in a breath. Once you exhaled, the tears began falling onto the mattress. You couldn't believe Dally would hit you. You barely did anything! You were just trying to look after him and keep him out of trouble.

You tried shrugging it off. And you managed to. Soon, you fell asleep.

The next morning, you hesitantly walked into the living room. Blankets were scattered on the couch. That was clear evidence that Dally slept there last night.

You scanned the room, searching for him. There was no sign. You walked into the kitchen, still no Dally.

He probably went out to hang out with his gang or something. You sighed and began tidying up the living room. Beer bottles were randomly placed around the room.

Once you were done cleaning up, you decided to go to the diner nearby. You weren't in the mood to make breakfast for yourself, so you started towards the door.

As you neared it, the front door flew open. Dally bursted through with two boxes. You rose an eyebrow as he stumbled into the room.

You two met eyes and Dally instantly blushed.

"You're awake," Dally cleared his throat and set the boxes down onto the table.

You nodded in response.

He sighed,"I'm sorry about last night. Things got out of hand and I just wanted to relax for awhile...so I let---"

You cut him off. You didn't want to hear his excuse,"I accept your apology. What's in those boxes?"

His eyes lit up. He smiled and said,"I wasn't sure if you were going to eat breakfast...so I, uh, bought some?"

Dally opened up the boxes and revealed delicious looking pancakes. You smiled and took in the smell. He walked over to your side and engulfed you with a hug.

He began lightly crying. You frowned and hugged him back. It still hurt how he hit you, but you couldn't help to forgive him. Although, you promised yourself to leave if he ever harmed you again.

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